AESC10010 |
Land Use and the Environment |
Autumn |
5 |
GEOG20230 |
Intro: GIS for Sustainability |
Autumn |
5 |
GEOG20240 |
Sustainability: Research Tools |
Autumn |
5 |
DEV20130 |
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals |
Spring |
5 |
ECON10010 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
Spring |
5 |
GEOL10040 |
Earth, Environment and Society |
Spring |
5 |
MKT10720 |
Marketing: An Introduction |
Spring |
5 |
SCI20040 |
Careers and innovation in sustainability |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
ARCH20510 |
Archaeology of Landscapes |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
ARCH20600 |
Archaeological Science |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
GEOG10140 |
Mapping a Sustainable World |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
GEOG20040 |
Rivers, Estuaries and Coasts |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
PHIL20440 |
Feminism & Gender Justice |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
SOC20260 |
Quantitative Research Methods |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
SPOL28160 |
Soc Pol Sustainable Wellbeing |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
SSJ20140 |
Human Rights & Social Justice |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
GEOG20060 |
Weather, Climate and Climate Change |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
GEOG20130 |
Cities in a Global World |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
POL20060 |
Law, Politics, and Human Rights |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
SOC20320 |
Qualitative Research Methods |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 2 Options - A)2 of: Select 2 modules from the list below. GEOG10140 must be taken if it was not taken in Stage 1. |
SOC20330 |
Sociology of Peace, Conflict & Justice |
Spring |
5 |
ARCH20570 |
Cultural Heritage |
Autumn |
5 |
SCI30110 |
Sustainability Project |
Autumn |
5 |
ECON20160 |
Economics of the Environment |
Spring |
5 |
ENVB20050 |
Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
ARCH30170 |
Combat Archaeology |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
ARCH30500 |
Experiment Archaeology & Ancient Technologies |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
ECON30100 |
The Economics of Health and Health Policy |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
ENVP30010 |
Environmental Management |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
ENVP30030 |
Climate Policy and Politics |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
GEOG30300 |
Social/Population Geography |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
GEOG30370 |
River Catchment Management |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
GEOG30820 |
Development Geographies |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
GEOG30860 |
Environmental Assessment |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
INRL30340 |
Internat. Political Economy |
Autumn |
10 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
INRL30350 |
International Justice |
Autumn |
10 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
LAW30440 |
Environmental Law and Policy |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
PLAN30010 |
Transport, Environment & Sustainability |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
POL30520 |
Environmental Politics and Policy |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
POL30850 |
Citizen Pol. in Global South |
Autumn |
10 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
SOC30560 |
Global Inequalities |
Autumn |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
ARCH30640 |
Archaeology of Collapse: Understanding crises and resilience in ancient societies |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
GEOG30890 |
Multi-media Methods for Social Sciences |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
GEOG30920 |
Environment and Sustainability |
Spring |
10 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
GEOG30940 |
Global Risks and Resilience |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
INRL30380 |
Politics of Peace & Conflict |
Spring |
10 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
SOC30350 |
Work and Social Stratification |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
SOC30470 |
Democracy & Civil Society |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
SPOL30220 |
Social Policy, Social Justice and the Environment |
Spring |
5 |
Stage 3 Options - A)2 of: Select 25 credits from the list below. |
SPOL38270 |
Gender Inequality & Soc Pol |
Spring |
5 |