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Sustainability with Social Sciences, Policy & Law

BSc (NFQ Level 8)
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This degree subject focuses on the social, legal, governance and justice dimensions of sustainability. Progressing towards sustainability to ensure a healthy planet and human wellbeing requires significant societal adaptation and behavioural change. How we can encourage the required transformations to ensure that new policy and legal frameworks deliver outcomes and that environmental protection is coupled with the quality of life considerations, is a core focus of this degree subject.

About This Course

This degree subject focuses on the social, legal, governance and justice dimensions of sustainability. Progressing towards sustainability to ensure a healthy planet and human wellbeing requires significant societal adaptation and behavioural change. How we can encourage the required transformations to ensure that new policy and legal frameworks deliver outcomes and that environmental protection is coupled with the quality of life considerations, is a core focus of this degree subject. If you are interested in human behaviour and change, social equity, wellbeing, institutions, policy, humanenvironment interactions and interdependence, then this is the degree subject for you.

Sustainability with Social Sciences, Policy & Law is one of the degree subjects available through the common entry Sustainability course.

Students study a common first year for the three Sustainability degree subjects and at the end of first year, students choose their degree major. Assuming students meet all the academic requirements, students are guaranteed their degree major, which they study in second, third and fourth year. Each year has a range of interesting core (compulsory) modules related to each of the three areas of sustainability, as well as option modules in your degree major. Indicative modules included are as follows:

First Year

In first year you study core modules focusing on sustainability concepts and skills, along with core and option modules from each of the three degree subjects. Modules include:

  • Introduction to Sustainability
  • Sustainability Challenges
  • Principles of Scientific Enquiry
  • Practical Statistics
  • Mapping a Sustainable World
  • Environmental Change & Policy
  • Business in Society
  • Economics

Second Year 

  • Sustainability: Research Tools
  • Careers and Innovation in Sustainability
  • Human Rights & Social Justice
  • Introduction to GIS for Sustainability
  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Sociology of the Environment
  • Environment, Social Policy & Human Wellbeing
  • Chemistry
  • Microeconomics
  • Cities in a Global World

Third Year 

In third year, you will participate in Sustainability In Action – an immersive week-long international field course in the Autumn – and have opportunities including an overseas exchange for one trimester (Spring) and/or a substantial internship (Summer). Other modules on offer include:

  • Environmental Management
  • Applied Ethics
  • Global Historical Geographies
  • Global Inequalities
  • Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology
  • Social Policy, Social Justice and the Environment
  • Marketing: An Introduction

Fourth Year

In your final year, you will participate in a team-based interdisciplinary research project on a sustainability challenge, as well as to complete an independent piece of research. You will also deepen your knowledge within your degree subject and have the opportunity to focus on particular aspects of sustainability such as gender justice, environmental assessment, sustainable cities, and communities, and European environmental policy.

There will be opportunities to apply for exchange programmes and an international field trip is a core component of the third year experience. In previous years, students have travelled to Copenhagen for this module. Students will also have the opportunity to apply for international internships with relevant industries and employers. Placements are secured through a competitive process.

Graduates from this degree subject will have highly developed analytical skills, methodological and research competency, flexibility and the ability to deal with complex problems requiring interdisciplinary solutions. These attributes are in significant demand in the public and private sectors. For example, corporate businesses, private consultancy firms, banking and education, as well as in civil society organisations, state agencies, think tanks and transnational organisations such as the UNDP, European Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, and Teagasc. Students will be well equipped to undertake further study at Masters and Doctoral levels in a range of disciplinary areas.

UCD Science Office

You can contact the UCD Science Office in the following ways:

  • Submit your query using our dedicated Contact Form.

  • Drop into the office in the UCD O'Brien Centre for Science, Science East, Room E1.09. Our office opening hours are 10am to 4pm (during term time).

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 2 Core Modules
GEOG20230 Intro: GIS for Sustainability Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
SUST20010 Sustainability: Research Tools Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
ECON10010 Principles of Microeconomics Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
EDUC10220 Education for a sustainable future Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
SUST20020 Communication in Sustainability Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A)1 of:
All students must take either CHEM00010 or CHEM10050. Students must take CHEM00010 if they did not complete Leaving Cert Chemistry or if their LC Chemistry grade is lower than H5/O1. Students who achieved H5/O1 or higher in LC Chemistry should take CHEM10050. Students who completed CHEM10050 in Stage 1 should contact sustainability@ucd.ie to register for an additional option module.
CHEM00010 Introductory Chemistry Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A)1 of:
All students must take either CHEM00010 or CHEM10050. Students must take CHEM00010 if they did not complete Leaving Cert Chemistry or if their LC Chemistry grade is lower than H5/O1. Students who achieved H5/O1 or higher in LC Chemistry should take CHEM10050. Students who completed CHEM10050 in Stage 1 should contact sustainability@ucd.ie to register for an additional option module.
CHEM10050 Basis of Organic and Biological Chemistry Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
AESC10010 Land Use and the Environment Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
ARCH20510 Archaeology of Landscapes Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
ARCH20570 Cultural Heritage Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
CSOC10010 Introduction to Computational Social Science Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
GEOG20170 Global Historical Geographies Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC20260 Quantitative Research Methods Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SSJ20140 Human Rights & Social Justice Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
DEV20130 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
GEOG20130 Cities in a Global World Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
LAW10450 Law and Courts Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC10070 Sociological Analysis and Research Design Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC20320 Qualitative Research Methods Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 20CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC20360 Sociology of the Environment Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
SUST30020 Sustainability in Action(SUST) Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
ENVB20050 Principles of Environmental Biology & Ecology Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
MKT10720 Marketing: An Introduction Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
SPOL30220 Social Policy, Social Justice and the Environment Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
ENVP30010 Environmental Management Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
GEOG20170 Global Historical Geographies Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
GEOG30820 Development Geographies Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
GEOG31100 Fortress Europe and the Global War on Migrants Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
LAW30440 Environmental Law and Policy Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC20260 Quantitative Research Methods Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC30560 Global Inequalities Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC30740 Sociology of climate change Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SSCI30050 Digital Research Skills for the Social Sciences Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
GEOG30940 Global Risks and Resilience Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
PHIL20240 Applied Ethics Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC20320 Qualitative Research Methods Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SOC20330 Sociology of Peace, Conflict & Justice Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SPOL38270 Gender Inequality & Soc Pol Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 30CR:
Students must take 50 credits of core and option modules. The remaining 10 credits must be used for electives and/or option modules.
SSJ20150 Political Economy & Social Justice Spring  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
ENVP30030 Climate Policy and Politics Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
SUST40050 Interdisciplinary Project Autumn  10
Stage 4 Core Modules
GEOG30840 The Urban Environment Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20060 Irish Economy: Policy Making in a Global Context Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20080 Economic Policy Analysis Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON30610 Economics of Natural Resources Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
BMGT20050 Business Across Borders Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20040 Statistics for Economists Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
BMGT20080 Consulting with NGOs Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
BMGT20100 Developing Future Leaders Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
BMGT20130 Managing Business Ethics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
BMGT20150 Sustainable Operations & Supply Chain Management Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
BMGT20160 Business and Social Enterprise Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
BMGT20210 Business and the European Union Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON10020 Principles of Macroeconomics Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20120 The Economics of the European Union: Institutions, Policies and Crises Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20130 Economic History: From the Middle Ages to the Second World War Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20160 Economics of the Environment Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON20180 Intermediate Microeconomics II Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
ECON30600 Economics of Climate Change Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - B) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Social Sciences, Policy & Law specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Social Sciences, Policy & Law or Business & Economics option lists. Economics of the Environment, Economics of Climate Change and Economics of Natural Resources are relevant modules that might be of interest.
HRM30140 Climate Change & Business Sustainability Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
GEOG30860 Environmental Assessment Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
GEOL20180 Geoscience perspectives on the UN Sustainable Development Goals Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
GEOL40450 Environmental Geoscience Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
GEOL20110 Global Environmental Change Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
GEOL20240 Medical Geology Autumn and Spring (separate)  5
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
BSEN40110 Advanced Air Pollution Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - C) Min 5CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either Environmental Sciences or Business & Economics option lists.
FOR20110 Forests, Climate and Carbon Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
ENVP30010 Environmental Management Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
GEOG30370 River Catchment Management Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
GEOG30820 Development Geographies Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
GEOG30860 Environmental Assessment Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
LAW30470 International Human Rights Law Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
PLAN30010 Transport, Environment & Sustainability Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
SSJ38260 Social justice and the city Autumn  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
ENVP40020 European Environmental Policy Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
GEOG30940 Global Risks and Resilience Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
GEOG40750 Reimagining Dublin: An Interdisciplinary Exploration in Urban Regeneration Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
HRM30140 Climate Change & Business Sustainability Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
LAW41090 Climate Change Law and Policy Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
SPOL38270 Gender Inequality & Soc Pol Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
SPOL40450 Evidence-Based Policy Making Spring  10
Stage 4 Options - D) Min 15CR:
Students must take 5 credits from the Business & Economics specialisation options. Students must take 5 credits from the Environmental Sciences specialisation options. Students can choose to take an additional 5 credits from either of these option lists; this means that students can choose to take two 5 credit modules or one 10 credit module from either the Business & Economics or Environmental Sciences option lists. The remainder of the 60 credits for Stage 4 must be must be made up of Social Sciences, Policy & Law option modules.GEOG31120 SSPL Sustainability Internship (10 credits) is listed as an option module but is not possible to select it yourself. It will be added to your Autumn module registration manually by staff once you have successfully completed the module.
SSJ38250 Social Justice Movements Spring  10

“As someone with a strong interest in tackling social issues and working to mitigate further environmental destruction, choosing this course has been the single best decision for me. There is a wide variety of modules so you can explore the path of study most of interest. I was exposed to a multitude of exciting topics ranging from global climatic inequalities, agriculture and sustainable land-use to education for sustainable development. This helped me gain thoughtful insights into a whole range of climate justice issues, which will undoubtedly prove essential for any career relating to climate change mitigation and adaptation. My eyes are now open to the injustices of the world and I feel equipped with the skills, knowledge and ambition to make a difference.”

Laoise Markey, Student

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Sustainability with Social Sciences, Policy & Law:

Bachelor of Science

Commencing September 2025
Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Non EU Undergraduates
Bachelor of Science

Commencing September 2025
Application through CAO
* you can change options at the top of the page