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Physiology is an area of biology related to how the human body works. Physiologists are interested in how the cells and organs of the body operate and how their incredible array of processes co-operate to enable our bodies to function under normal and challenging circumstances. Physiologists are, therefore, at the forefront of medical research and the search for a better understanding of disease processes.

At UCD, Physiology students acquire a thorough understanding of the organs of the body, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and how they function, interact and respond to the internal and external environment.

About This Course

Physiology is an area of biology related to how the human body works. Physiologists are interested in how the cells and organs of the body operate and how their incredible array of processes co-operate to enable our bodies to function under normal and challenging circumstances. Physiologists are, therefore, at the forefront of medical research and the search for a better understanding of disease processes.

At UCD, Physiology students acquire a thorough understanding of the organs of the body, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and how they function, interact and respond to the internal and external environment.

Information on all our courses including pathways, internships and careers information is available in the UCD Science Undergraduate Courses Entry 2025 Brochure (PDF).

Physiology is one of the degree subjects available through the Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences stream in the common entry Science course. Students study similar modules for all degree subjects in the Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences stream in first year and will study modules for a minimum of two degree subjects in second year. At the end of second year, students choose their degree subject. As we offer a number of degree subjects in each stream, students have a number of similar degree subjects to choose from and if a degree subject is oversubscribed, places are allocated on a competitive basis. For more information on choosing a degree major at the end of Second Year, visit the Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences stream page.

This is a sample set of modules that a Physiology student could study each year in UCD.

First Year
Scientific Enquiry • Cell Biology & Genetics • Basis of Organic and Biological Chemistry • Biomedical Sciences • Biology in Action • Life on Earth • Linear Algebra for Science • Calculus for Science • Optional Science Modules • Elective Module

Second Year
Biomolecular Lab Skills • Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology • Biomolecular Sciences • Cell & Tissue Physiology • Organ & Systems Physiology • Chemistry for Biologists • + modules for 2 other Science Subjects • Elective Modules

Third Year
Immunophysiology• Cardiovascular Physiology • Digestion & Excretion • Data Modelling for Science • Respiratory Physiology • Endocrine Physiology • Experimental Physiology • The Brain & Motor Control • Option Modules • Elective Modules

Fourth YearResearch Project • Fundamentals of Physiological Research • Adaptation to Hypoxia • Physiology Journal Club • Haemostasis & Thrombosis • Brain Disorders • Physiological Genomics • The Physiology of Disease • Exercise Physiology • Option Modules

Timetables & Assessment

Each student will have their own timetable based on their individual module selection. This is a full time course and classes may include lectures, practicals and tutorials, depending on the subjects. Students will also be expected to study independently (autonomous student learning). Assessment varies with each module but may comprise continuous assessment of practicals, written exams and online learning activities.

Physiology students have spent time studying at the following universities:

  • San Jose State University, USA
  • University of Queensland, Australia
  • Physiology graduates go on to establish careers in areas such as biomedical research in the university system or other governmentrun operations, pharmaceutical industrybased research and development, clinical trials, and pharmaceutical industry sales. Physiology graduates regularly gain places on graduate-entry Medicine and other allied healthcare degree courses.

    UCD provides opportunities for graduate physiological research at the Masters or PhD level. Research into basic physiological mechanisms takes place but the research focus is on translational research, i.e. the research that enhances our understanding of human disease that leads to advances in the improvement of human health.

    Students have the opportunity to complete a Professional Placement module worth 5 credits. This module provides students with an opportunity to undertake a placement in industry (6-10 weeks) in the summer following Third Year.

    Students have also completed research projects as part of the UCD School of Medicine Student Summer Research Awards competition.

    More information about the internship module and application process.

    UCD Science Office

    You can contact the UCD Science Office in the following ways:

    • Submit your query using our dedicated Contact Form.

    • Drop into the office in the UCD O'Brien Centre for Science, Science East, Room E1.09. Our office opening hours are 10am to 4pm (during term time).

    Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

    Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

    Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    BMOL20060 Biomolecular Lab Skills 1 Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    BMOL20090 Molecular Genetics and Biotech Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    BMOL20110 Biomolecular Sciences Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHYS20040 An introduction to Physiology: Human cells and tissues Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHYS20030 An Introduction to Physiology: Organs and Systems Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    CHEM20090 is a CORE MODULE for students who wish to progress with any subject in the BBB stream. Students registered to, or who have taken, both CHEM20080 and CHEM20100, are not required to take CHEM20090. Students who are unable to register to CHEM20090 should contact the Science Office.
    CHEM20090 Chemistry for Biology Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - C) Min 0 of:
    If Physics has not been taken in the Leaving Certificate, and if not previously taken in Stage 1, students enrolled to Stage 2 Physiology must take PHYC10070 in Stage 2.
    PHYC10070 Foundations of Physics Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHYS30010 Cardiovascular Physiology Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHYS30090 Digestion and Excretion Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHYS30300 Immunophysiology Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    STAT20070 Data Modelling for Science Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHYS30020 Respiratory Physiology Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHYS30040 Endocrine Physiology Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHYS30190 Experimental Physiology Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHYS30270 The Brain and Motor Control Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    BMOL30040 Receptor-mediated cell signalling Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    MEIN30240 Bioinformatics Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    PHAR30010 Chemotherapeutic Agents Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    PHAR30080 Pharmacology of Neurodegenerative and Psychiatric Illness Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    ZOOL30030 Evolutionary Biology Autumn  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    BMOL30020 Molecular basis of disease Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    GENE30030 Genetic Basis of Disease Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    PHAR30050 Experimental and therapeutic strategies in molecular pharmacology Spring  5
    Stage 3 Options - A) Min 2 of:
    Students select two optional modules from the list below.
    RDGY30520 Medical Imaging (Clin/Res) Spring  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHYS30180 Physiological Genomics Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHYS40170 Fundamentals of Physiological Research Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHYS40270 Physiology Journal Club Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHYS40060 Physiology Research Project Spring  20
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
    Students select at least 4 modules from Option List 1. Students may select all 5 modules from this list.
    PHYS30110 Adaptation to hypoxia: high altitude and lessons for disease Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
    Students select at least 4 modules from Option List 1. Students may select all 5 modules from this list.
    PHYS30280 Psychiatric and Neurological brain disorders Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
    Students select at least 4 modules from Option List 1. Students may select all 5 modules from this list.
    PHYS30310 Exercise Physiology Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
    Students select at least 4 modules from Option List 1. Students may select all 5 modules from this list.
    PHYS30250 Haemostasis and Thrombosis Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
    Students select at least 4 modules from Option List 1. Students may select all 5 modules from this list.
    PHYS30260 The Physiology of Disease Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    BMOL30030 Regulation of Gene Expression Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    MEIN30240 Bioinformatics Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    NEUR40020 Physiology of Synaptic Plasticity Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    PATH40020 Clinical Biomarkers Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    SCI30080 Professional Placement-Science Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    ANAT20010 Clinical Human Anatomy III Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    BMOL30020 Molecular basis of disease Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    GENE30030 Genetic Basis of Disease Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    GENE40030 Advanced Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    NEUR40030 Modulation of Synaptic Signalling Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    PHAR30020 Endocrine, Renal and Reproductive Pharmacology Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    PHAR30050 Experimental and therapeutic strategies in molecular pharmacology Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    RDGY30520 Medical Imaging (Clin/Res) Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - B) Min 0 of:
    Students can select 1 module from this list.
    MDSA30280 SSRA Research Elective I Summer  5

    "My final year project was based on the inflammatory responses of spinal cord injury. Following my graduation, I worked in the National Virus Reference Laboratory. I am now studying for a PhD at the University of Otago in New Zealand, focusing on signalling pathways of oestrogens in the brain. UCD offered a whirlwind of opportunities, which allowed me to flourish. I was a Student Ambassador, Peer Mentor and served on committees like An Cumann Gaelach. I also spent two summers in Tanzania with UCD Volunteers Overseas."

    Celine Camon, Graduate

    Having come into UCD with no other certainty bar loving biology, the UCD Science course really was a great option. I am now a Physiology graduate and am so glad I chose this subject. I believe the level of academic teaching is outstanding and I loved learning how various systems of the body works, including the heart, lungs and kidneys. My final year project was based on the inflammatory responses of spinal cord injury. UCD opened a whirlwind of opportunities or me. I was a Student Ambassador and Science Student Leader and I have acted as a Peer Mentor as well as serving on student society committees. I also spent two summers volunteering in Tanzania with UCD Volunteers Overseas. I am about to start a PhD in New Zealand.

    Celine Camon, Graduate

    General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Physiology:

    ROWCLASS Apply to
    Science: Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
    Non EU Undergraduates
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
    Non EU Undergraduates
    Science: Biological, Biomedical & Biomolecular Sciences
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    Application through CAO
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    Application through CAO
    * you can change options at the top of the page

    Additional special entry route(s) to Physiology:

    These options have additional eligibility requirements to cater for specific applicant cohorts. You should not apply via these routes before consulting the requirements or contacting the responsible UCD office.

    ROWCLASS Apply to
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    Access Progression Pathway
    Access Progression Pathway
    Application to this Non-EU Access Progression Pathway is by invitation only. If you are not currently enrolled on an Access programme at UCD, your application will be marked as invalid.
    If you are not a current Access student, but you are a non-EU applicant seeking admission to an undergraduate degree, please submit an application via the "Undergraduate Degree (Non-EU)" course type.
    showAudience-audienceEU showAudience-audienceInt
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    IFY Pathway
    IFY Pathway
    Opens 17 Feb 2025
    Application to this pathway is by invitation only. If you are not currently on the UCD ISC International Foundation Year programme, your application will be marked as invalid.