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Engineering  (NUS1)

BE (NFQ Level 8) · Academic Year 2024/2025
College of Engineering and Architecture Administration Office
Full Time
NFQ Level
Bachelor of Engineering
Mode of Delivery
On Campus
Programme Director
Assoc Professor Neal Murphy
Overall Programme Credits:
Programme Credits:
Stage 1
Core/Option: 55 Electives: 5
Stage 2
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Stage 3
Core/Option: 50 Electives: 10
Stage 4
Core/Option: 60 Electives: 0
Major/Minor Core & Option Credits:
Stage 1: 55

Curricular information is subject to change.

This degree programme provides access to a wide range of options in engineering. After a largely common first year, you choose an area of specialisation. Later, you can choose further specialisations and alternative degrees (BSc, BE or ME) – exactly what is available depends on your area of specialisation.

This degree programme provides access to a wide range of options in engineering. After a largely common first year, you choose an area of specialisation. Later, you can choose further specialisations and alternative degrees (BSc, BE or ME) – exactly what is available depends on your area of specialisation.

The purpose of the Stage 1 Engineering year is to prepare students for further study in their chosen engineering discipine. The students will be equipped  with a fundamental understanding of mathematical and scientific principles required to pursue studies in all fields of engineering and will begin to be introduced to some specialised topics. The teaching and learning environment will include a mixture of lectures, tutorial and laboratory sessions. Students will   begin to work collaboratively in groups as well as individually. Assessment will be by a mixture of continuous assessment and examination. 

1 - Students will be equipped with a knowledge of fundamental science, engineering, technology and mathematics necessary to pursue studies in engineering.
2 - Students will be introduced to concepts of design and experimentation and will learn how to conduct experiments, and analyse experimental results.
3 - Students will be introduced to concepts of sustainability and the need for engineers to respond to society's needs.
4 - Students will learn about the importance of ethics and responsibility within engineering practice.
5 - Students will engage in team work and will learn how to work collaboratively in a number of settings, including laboratories.
6 - Students will learn how to work independently and how to take responsibility for their own learning.
7 - Students will learn how to communicate effectively in a number of formats, including verbal and written.

The UCD Engineering programme leads to several degree options:

Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree, which requires 240 credits, normally four years of study:
The BE is available in the following Engineering disciplines:
Biomedical Engineering, Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering, Chemical Engineering with a minor in Biochemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Engineering Science, which requires 180 credits, normally three years of study:
Students may decide to exit their Engineering studies after three years. The BSc (Engineering Science) degree can be convenient if you want to continue your engineering studies elsewhere in Europe or further afield, or if you want to apply your knowledge of technology in a different field.

Master of Engineering (ME) degree, which requires 300 credits, normally five years of study:
This higher-level degree is becoming the norm for professional engineering education. To be eligible, you must achieve good grades in your earlier years of study. You will also have to pay some fees. You also receive an undergraduate BSc (Engineering Science) degree in respect of your first three years of Engineering as well as your ME degree. All Master of Engineering students complete a Professional Work Experience as part of their studies.
The ME degrees currently available from this programme are as follows:
5-year Integrated ME Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Programme
Under this programme, students can complete a 1-year 90-credit ME in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering following completion of their four-year BE degree.

The first year is essentially common, with no critical decisions to be made. You will study twelve modules, six in each semester. In the Autumn Trimester there are six Core Modules, common to all. In the Spring Trimester, there are four Core Modules, and you must choose at least one Option Module from the list below or you may take one First Year Elective Module (from the entire catalogue).

Stage 1 Option Modules:

CHEN10010 Chemical Engineering Process Principles introduces the principles and techniques that are used in the analysis of chemical and biochemical engineering processes. This module is strongly recommended for students heading towards Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering.

COMP10060 Computer Science for Engineers I provides students with a formal and structured introduction to computer programming using the C programming language, which underpins the Windows, Linux and MacOS operating systems in addition to a wide range of embedded systems in everyday products.

CVEN10060 Engineering and Architecture of Structures provides students with a core understanding of what makes buildings, and other structures, stand up. Engineering and Architecture students will work together in groups to explore these issues.

BMOL10030 Understanding Human Disease will introduce students to Biomedical Science and the molecular basis of neuronal, cardiovascular, infectious, hormonal and immune diseases.

If you complete the stage successfully, you will be able to choose whichever area of specialisation you want. We will provide plenty of information during the year to help you to make your decision.

To see the curriculum for the later stages, choose one of the Programme Information links at the bottom of the page. Some of these show only stages 2 and 3 – the fourth stage of the BE programme requires further specialisation, and is shown under a separate link. Where stages 2 to 4 are shown, stage 4 is relevant to the BE programme only – you may still choose an alternative route after stage 3.

All these programmes allow for study abroad, in universities with compatible engineering programmes around the world. The US universities are always popular, and there is competition for places there. The Erasmus programme provides for exchanges with other European universities – this usually means working in the local language. Study in other countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, China or Singapore, is also possible.

Study abroad is normally during one or both trimesters of Stage 3. If you choose suitable courses in the host university and achieve good results there, you will be awarded credit for this work as part of your degree programme in UCD.

Please visit the UCD Global website for more information on exchanges.

A world of opportunity awaits you as a UCD Engineering graduate and as our programmes are professionally accredited, they are fully recognised internationally. You’ll be able to establish a career in many sectors, including:

  • Business
  • Design
  • Education
  • Energy/clean technology
  • Environment
  • Food
  • Healthcare
  • Information and communications technology
  • Infrastructure
  • Research

You’ll be equipped with a mindset and skills that will make you an asset to any employer. The Engineering education offered by UCD is recognised by the world’s top companies. In addition to our wide range of BE degrees, UCD has numerous graduate programmes including taught Master’s degrees with specialisations in:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biosystems & Food Engineering
  • Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering
  • Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering
  • Electrical Energy Engineering
  • Electronic & Computer Engineering
  • Engineering with Business
  • Energy Systems Engineering
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Optical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering with Architecture

There are also research programmes available to students at both Master’s and PhD level.

Check out the UCD Career Networks career guide for the College of Engineering & Architecture for details on the career supports available to UCD students.

Biomedical Engineering NBS1 Biomedical Engineering (Single Major)
Chemical Engineering with Biochemical Engineering Minor NCW1 Chemical Engineering (Major (with Minor))
Chemical Engineering with Biochemical Engineering Minor NCW2 Chemical Engineering (Major (with Minor))
Chemical Engineering with Biochemical Engineering Minor NLI1 Biochemical Engineering Minor (Minor)
Chemical Engineering with Biochemical Engineering Minor NLI2 Biochemical Engineering Minor (Minor)
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering NQS2 Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering (Single Major)
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering NQS3 Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering (Stream) (Single Major)
Civil Engineering NVS1 Civil Engineering (Single Major)
Electrical Engineering NES3 Electrical Engineering (Single Major)
Electronic Engineering NES2 Electronic Engineering (Single Major)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering NES1 Electronic Engineering or Electrical Engineering (Single Major)
Engineering NUS1 Engineering (Single Major)
Mechanical Engineering NMS1 Mechanical Engineering (Single Major)
Structural Engineering with Arch NAS5 Structural Engineering with Architecture (Single Major)

Stage 1

In the Autumn Trimester, students are registered to six CORE Modules which is the recommended Trimester workload.

In the Spring Trimester, students are registered to four CORE Modules. They must select one OPTION Module and may select one Elective Module from anywhere in UCD. Instead of selecting a First Year Elective Module, students may wish to select another OPTION Module from the list or they may select a module from the list of ADDITIONAL OPTION Modules.

For information on choosing Option Modules, please refer to the Programme Office website for Current Engineering students.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
CHEM10030 Chemistry for Engineers Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
CHEN10040 Intro. to Eng. Computing Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
CVEN10040 Creativity in Design Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
EEEN10010 Electronic and Electrical Engineering I Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MATH10250 Introduction to Calculus for Engineers Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
PHYC10150 Physics for Engineers I Autumn  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MATH10260 Linear Algebra for Engineers Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MEEN10030 Mechanics for Engineers Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
MEEN10050 Energy Engineering Spring  5
Stage 1 Core Modules
PHYC10160 Physics for Engineers II Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
In the Spring Trimester, Students must select at least one OPTION Module from the list of Stage 1 Option Modules.Students may also select one Elective Module. The First Year Elective can be from anywhere in UCD.However, if preferred, students may select another module related to Engineering by choosing another OPTION Module from the following list or one from the list of ADDITIONAL OPTION Modules.The recommended workload is 30 credits (6 modules) per Trimester.For information on choosing Option Modules, please refer to the Programme Office website for Current Engineering students.
CHEN10010 Chemical Engineering Process Principles Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
In the Spring Trimester, Students must select at least one OPTION Module from the list of Stage 1 Option Modules.Students may also select one Elective Module. The First Year Elective can be from anywhere in UCD.However, if preferred, students may select another module related to Engineering by choosing another OPTION Module from the following list or one from the list of ADDITIONAL OPTION Modules.The recommended workload is 30 credits (6 modules) per Trimester.For information on choosing Option Modules, please refer to the Programme Office website for Current Engineering students.
COMP10060 Computer Science for Engineers I Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
In the Spring Trimester, Students must select at least one OPTION Module from the list of Stage 1 Option Modules.Students may also select one Elective Module. The First Year Elective can be from anywhere in UCD.However, if preferred, students may select another module related to Engineering by choosing another OPTION Module from the following list or one from the list of ADDITIONAL OPTION Modules.The recommended workload is 30 credits (6 modules) per Trimester.For information on choosing Option Modules, please refer to the Programme Office website for Current Engineering students.
CVEN10060 The Engineering and Architecture of Structures 1 Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - A) Min 1 of:
In the Spring Trimester, Students must select at least one OPTION Module from the list of Stage 1 Option Modules.Students may also select one Elective Module. The First Year Elective can be from anywhere in UCD.However, if preferred, students may select another module related to Engineering by choosing another OPTION Module from the following list or one from the list of ADDITIONAL OPTION Modules.The recommended workload is 30 credits (6 modules) per Trimester.For information on choosing Option Modules, please refer to the Programme Office website for Current Engineering students.
EEEN10050 Introduction to Biomedical Eng Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 0 of:
In the Spring Trimester, students may may select one First Year Elective Module. The Elective can be from anywhere in UCD. However, if preferred, students may select another Module related to Engineering by choosing one of the following ADDITIONAL OPTIONS:
BSEN10010 Biosystems Engineering Design Challenge Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 0 of:
In the Spring Trimester, students may may select one First Year Elective Module. The Elective can be from anywhere in UCD. However, if preferred, students may select another Module related to Engineering by choosing one of the following ADDITIONAL OPTIONS:
BSEN10020 How Sustainable is My Food? Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 0 of:
In the Spring Trimester, students may may select one First Year Elective Module. The Elective can be from anywhere in UCD. However, if preferred, students may select another Module related to Engineering by choosing one of the following ADDITIONAL OPTIONS:
CVEN10050 Challenges in Civil Engineering Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 0 of:
In the Spring Trimester, students may may select one First Year Elective Module. The Elective can be from anywhere in UCD. However, if preferred, students may select another Module related to Engineering by choosing one of the following ADDITIONAL OPTIONS:
DSCY10060 Energy, Climate Change & Policy Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 0 of:
In the Spring Trimester, students may may select one First Year Elective Module. The Elective can be from anywhere in UCD. However, if preferred, students may select another Module related to Engineering by choosing one of the following ADDITIONAL OPTIONS:
DSCY10070 Materials in Society Spring  5
Stage 1 Options - B) Min 0 of:
In the Spring Trimester, students may may select one First Year Elective Module. The Elective can be from anywhere in UCD. However, if preferred, students may select another Module related to Engineering by choosing one of the following ADDITIONAL OPTIONS:
EEEN10020 Robotics Design Project Spring  5

See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHENG001 Stage 4 - 70.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2




