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Mathematics is a universal language and a tool of fundamental importance in the physical and social sciences, engineering, technology, computer science, statistics, finance, data analytics and many other fields. The subject is thousands of years old and yet thoroughly modern. In the past 100 years the growth of mathematics has been spectacular, stimulated not only by the needs of science, technology and commerce, but also by intellectual challenges provided by the discipline itself. The interplay between mathematics and neighbouring subjects continues to yield many fascinating problems that require creative solutions. If you find mathematics interesting and enjoyable then this degree subject could be for you.

About This Course

Mathematics is a universal language and a tool of fundamental importance in the physical and social sciences, engineering, technology, computer science, statistics, finance, data analytics and many other fields. The subject is thousands of years old and yet thoroughly modern. In the past 100 years the growth of mathematics has been spectacular, stimulated not only by the needs of science, technology and commerce, but also by intellectual challenges provided by the discipline itself. The interplay between mathematics and neighbouring subjects continues to yield many fascinating problems that require creative solutions. If you find mathematics interesting and enjoyable then this degree subject could be for you.

Information on all our courses including pathways, internships and careers information is available in the UCD Science Undergraduate Courses Entry 2025 Brochure (PDF).

Mathematics is one of the degree subjects available through the Mathematics stream in the common entry Science course. Students study similar modules for all degree subjects in the Mathematics stream in first year and will study modules for a minimum of two degree subjects in second year. At the end of second year, students choose their degree subject. As we offer a number of degree subjects in each stream, students have a number of similar degree subjects to choose from and if a degree subject is oversubscribed, places are allocated on a competitive basis. For more information on choosing a degree subject at the end of Second Year, visit the Mathematics stream page.

This is a sample set of modules that a Mathematics student could study each year in UCD. 

First Year

Scientific Enquiry • Introduction to Applied & Computational Mathematics • Calculus in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences • Applications of Differential Equations • Linear Algebra in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences • Statistical Modelling • Mathematical Analysis • Numbers & Functions • Option Modules • Elective Module

Second Year

Computational Science • Calculus of Several Variables • Linear Algebra in the Mathematical Sciences • Introduction to Probability • Vector Calculus • Groups, Rings and Fields • Inferential Statistics • + modules for 1 other Subject • Elective Modules

Third Year

Advanced Linear Algebra • Metric Spaces • Measure Theory • Complex Analysis • Topology • Further Groups & Rings • Option Modules • Elective modules

Fourth Year

Final Year Project • Differential Geometry • Functional Analysis • Probability Theory • Algebraic Geometry • Galois Theory • Number Theory • Option Modules

Timetables & Assessment
Each student will have their own timetable based on their individual module selection. This is a full-time course and classes may include lectures, practicals and tutorials, depending on the subjects. Students will also be expected to study independently (autonomous student learning). Assessment varies with each module but may comprise continuous assessment of practicals, written exams and online learning activities.

Students may apply to study abroad for a trimester in third year in partner institutions internationally.

Each year sees new applications of sophisticated mathematical models and procedures in insurance and actuarial services, data analytics, the stock market, banking and industry. Employers in all of these areas seek mathematics graduates for their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Our recent graduates are working in many diverse areas, including actuarial science, banking and financial services, civil service, coding and cryptography companies, IT industry, meteorology and research.

Opportunities for further study include MSc and PhD programmes in the mathematical sciences in Ireland and abroad, leading to research positions in universities or industry.

Students have the opportunity to complete a Professional Placement module worth 5 credits. This module provides students with an opportunity to undertake a placement in industry (6-10 weeks) in the summer following Third Year.

Students in recent years have completed internships in DIAS, Deloitte and AIB.

Students can also apply to complete Undergraduate Summer Research Projects in the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics in the summer after Third Year.

Placements are secured on a competitive basis and are subject to change each year.

More information about the internship module and application process.

UCD Science Office

You can contact the UCD Science Office in the following ways:

  • Submit your query using our dedicated Contact Form.

  • Drop into the office in the UCD O'Brien Centre for Science, Science East, Room E1.09. Our office opening hours are 10am to 4pm (during term time).

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
Stage 2 Core Modules
ACM20030 Computational Science Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
MATH20060 Calculus of Several Variables Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
MATH20300 Linear Algebra 2 for the Mathematical Sciences Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
STAT20110 Introduction to Probability Autumn  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
ACM20150 Vector Integral & Differential Calculus Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
MATH20310 Groups, Rings and Fields Spring  5
Stage 2 Core Modules
STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
If not previously taken in Stage 1, students enrolled to Stage 2 Mathematics must take MATH10320 and MATH10040 in Stage 2.
MATH10040 Numbers & Functions Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
If not previously taken in Stage 1, students enrolled to Stage 2 Mathematics must take MATH10320 and MATH10040 in Stage 2.
MATH10320 Mathematical Analysis Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Students must register to a minimum of 50 Programme Credits (Core/Options). Students may register to 10 Elective credits or select additional Option modules from the list below in order to fulfill their Stage requirements.
ACM20050 Classical Mechanics Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Students must register to a minimum of 50 Programme Credits (Core/Options). Students may register to 10 Elective credits or select additional Option modules from the list below in order to fulfill their Stage requirements.
MATH20150 Graphs and Networks Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Students must register to a minimum of 50 Programme Credits (Core/Options). Students may register to 10 Elective credits or select additional Option modules from the list below in order to fulfill their Stage requirements.
STAT20230 Modern Regression Analysis Autumn  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Students must register to a minimum of 50 Programme Credits (Core/Options). Students may register to 10 Elective credits or select additional Option modules from the list below in order to fulfill their Stage requirements.
MATH20260 The Mathematics of Google Spring  5
Stage 2 Options - C) Min 0 of:
Students must register to a minimum of 50 Programme Credits (Core/Options). Students may register to 10 Elective credits or select additional Option modules from the list below in order to fulfill their Stage requirements.
MATH20270 Theory of Games Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
MATH30030 Advanced Linear Algebra Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
MATH30090 Metric Spaces Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
MATH30360 Measure Theory and Integration Autumn  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
MATH30040 Complex Analysis Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
MATH30120 Topology Spring  5
Stage 3 Core Modules
MATH30400 Further Groups and Rings Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM30130 Advanced Computational Science Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM30190 Dynamical Systems Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM30220 Partial Differential Equations Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MATH30340 Peer-Assisted Tutoring Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MATH40510 Set Theory Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MST30020 History of Mathematics Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
STAT20230 Modern Regression Analysis Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
STAT30010 Time Series Autumn  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM30020 Applied Analysis Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM30090 Mathematical Biology Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM30140 Numerical Methods for PDEs Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MATH30370 Markov Chains Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MST30030 Financial Mathematics Spring  5
Stage 3 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH40560 Final Year Project 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr)  10
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH40310 Functional Analysis Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH40370 Differential Geometry Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH40710 Galois Theory Autumn  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH40480 Probability Theory Spring  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH40870 Algebraic Geometry Spring  5
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH40880 Number Theory Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM40690 Applied Complex Variables Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM41020 Maths of Machine Learning Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MATH30340 Peer-Assisted Tutoring Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MATH40510 Set Theory Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
SCI30080 Professional Placement-Science Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
STAT30080 Models - Survival Models Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
STAT30090 Models - Stochastic Models Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
STAT41020 Survey Sampling Autumn  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
ACM41030 Optimization Algorithms Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MATH30250 Cryptography: Theory & Practice Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
MATH40830 Maths of Quantum Computation Spring  5
Stage 4 Options - A) Min 4 of:
Students who successfully completed SCI30080 will be registered by the School to the module. Students take MATH30340 subject to resourcing and approval of module coordinator.
STAT40150 Multivariate Analysis Spring  5

I decided to study at UCD due to its beautiful campus, unparalleled facilities, and the ability to tailor my degree to what interested me most. My favourite part of studying Mathematics is learning to look at a complicated logical problem and slowly teasing out the solution through different approaches. The variety in assessment of projects, assignments and exams helped ensure I understood topics in theory and practice. Being involved in the Literary & Historical society and the Women+ in STEM society has helped me meet an incredible group of friends and has aided me in developing a wide variety of extracurricular skills.

Ellen Healy, Graduate

"I decided to study at UCD due to its beautiful campus, unparalleled facilities, and the ability to tailor my degree to what interested me most. My favourite part of studying Mathematics is learning to look at a complicated logical problem and slowly teasing out the solution through different approaches. The variety in assessment of projects, assignments and exams helped ensure I understood topics in theory and practice. Being involved in the Literary & Historical society and the Women+ in STEM society has helped me meet an incredible group of friends and has aided me in developing a wide variety of extracurricular skills. After I graduate, I hope to work in mathematical research working on cryptography."

Ellen Healy, Student

General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Mathematics:

Science: Mathematics (includes Applied/Financial/Statistics)
Bachelor of Science

Commencing September 2025
Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Non EU Undergraduates
Bachelor of Science

Commencing September 2025
Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Non EU Undergraduates
Science: Mathematics (includes Applied/Financial/Statistics)
Bachelor of Science

Commencing September 2025
Application through CAO
Bachelor of Science

Commencing September 2025
Application through CAO
* you can change options at the top of the page

Additional special entry route(s) to Mathematics:

These options have additional eligibility requirements to cater for specific applicant cohorts. You should not apply via these routes before consulting the requirements or contacting the responsible UCD office.

Bachelor of Science

Commencing September 2025
Access Progression Pathway
Access Progression Pathway
Application to this Non-EU Access Progression Pathway is by invitation only. If you are not currently enrolled on an Access programme at UCD, your application will be marked as invalid.
If you are not a current Access student, but you are a non-EU applicant seeking admission to an undergraduate degree, please submit an application via the "Undergraduate Degree (Non-EU)" course type.