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BSc (NFQ Level 8)
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Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals responsible for developing, maintaining and restoring movement and functional ability in adults and children using evidence-based practice. Studying Physiotherapy in UCD will provide you with the skills and qualifications required to practice as a physiotherapist upon graduation. With state-of-the-art facilities and globally recognised researchers as lecturers, you will learn in a culture of established academic excellence. If you enjoy working with people and would like to have a career in which you will relieve pain and treat or prevent physical conditions associated with injury, disease or other impairments, this course may be for you.

About This Course

The vision of the UCD BSc Physiotherapy Programme is to educate Physiotherapists;

  • Who are highly skilled autonomous practitioners that demonstrate a whole-person and compassionate approach to patient care using evidence and research skills to inform and advance physiotherapy practice. 
  • Who demonstrate advocacy and leadership for clients and the profession in local, national and global dynamic healthcare environments

This course leads to one of the most rewarding careers in healthcare: Chartered Physiotherapist. Physiotherapy is the study and application of the scientific knowledge and professional skills required for the promotion of optimal health and well-being of adults and children through physical means. In addition to UCD based learning you’ll spend over 1,000 hours on supervised clinical education in hospitals and clinical centres throughout Ireland and abroad (optional). UCD’s full-time BSc Physiotherapy degree is accredited by the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, and will appeal to students who enjoy science and caring for people.

The BSc Physiotherapy Programme is recognised by CORU, the Health and Social Care Professionals Regulatory Body, as an approved programme.

Physiotherapy students have, on average, a 35-hour week. In first and second year, you will spend your time attending lectures and practical classes. In third and fourth year, the focus is on clinical education and advanced physiotherapy skills. Your modules will progress from the basic and applied sciences in first year, to clinical skills in second and third year, and preparation for professional practice in fourth year. Modules include:

First Year

Anatomy • Physiology • Physics • Psychology • Biomechanics • Introduction to Professional Physiotherapy Practice • Exercise Science • Elective Modules

Second Year

Basic Musculoskeletal, Cardiorespiratory & Neurological Physiotherapy • Professional Practice • Exercise Science • Physiotherapy Clinical Education • Evidence Based Practice • Elective Modules

Third Year

Intermediate Musculoskeletal, Cardiorespiratory & Neurological Physiotherapy • Clinical Exercise • Physiotherapy Clinical Education • Sociology

Fourth Year

Professional Physiotherapy Practice • Physiotherapy in the Clinical Specialties • Sports Physiotherapy • Physiotherapy Clinical Education • Pharmacology • Legal Medicine • Digital Health • Physiotherapy Research • Elective Modules

A wide variety of assessment methods is used, including continuous assessment, reflective writing, practical examinations, oral examinations, presentations and end-oftrimester written papers.

Professional Work Experience

You will complete over 1,000 hours of supervised clinical placements in Ireland, at our partner teaching hospitals, primary care clinics and specialist centres. There are elective placements in fourth year.

These currently include Erasmus programme opportunities in third year with Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, as well as elective placement opportunities in fourth year in Europe, Africa and Asia.

Graduates in Physiotherapy have found employment in different roles across the world, in:

  • Hospitals and private practice
  • Primary care
  • Rehabilitation centres and nursing homes
  • Non-government agencies (e.g. Goal, Concern)
  • Education
  • Business, sport and leisure industries

    Graduates can also apply for a range of disciplinary and general graduate taught (graduate certificate, diploma, MSc) and research (MSc and PhD) programmes in Ireland and abroad.
  • School of Public Health Physiotherapy & Sports Science,
    Programme Office,
    Woodview House,
    Dublin 4

    Tel: +353 1 716 6500
    Email: physio.therapy@ucd.ie
    Web: www.ucd.ie/healthsciences

    Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

    Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

    Module Type Module   Trimester Credits
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    ANAT10110 Clinical Human Anatomy I Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    BIOC00010 Chemistry-Biochemistry Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    PERS10120 Science of Human Performance I Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    PHTY10160 Foundations of Health Care Practice 1 Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    PHTY10330 Introduction to Applied Biophysics Principles Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    SMGT20250 Psychology of Sport & Exercise Autumn  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    ANAT20010 Clinical Human Anatomy III Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    PERS10090 Science of Human Performance II Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    PHTY10040 Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    PHTY10140 Applied Exercise Science Spring  5
    Stage 1 Core Modules
    PHTY10170 Foundations of Health Care Practice 2 Spring  5
    Stage 1 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Students can select their final 5 credit module during a special registration period in Spring Trimester. You will then be able to select option below or alternatively request a first year elective place on another module
    PHTY20280 Born to Run: The Science of Human Endurance Spring  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20140 Physiotherapy Professional Practice II 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr)  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20050 Exercise Programming Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20070 Musculoskeletal I Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20150 Cardiorespiratory I Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20160 Neurology I Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20270 Evidence Based Practice Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20010 Musculoskeletal II: The Lower Limb Spring  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20020 Applied Physics and Biomechanics Spring  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20040 Musculoskeletal III: The Spine Spring  5
    Stage 2 Core Modules
    PHTY20290 Fundamentals of Pain Science and Practice Spring  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Students must select minimum of two 5 credit modules. Students must select option module PHTY20110 Therapeutic Massage for Autumn trimester. For Spring trimester either select listed option or alternative elective module of choice.
    PHTY20110 Therapeutic Massage Autumn  5
    Stage 2 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Students must select minimum of two 5 credit modules. Students must select option module PHTY20110 Therapeutic Massage for Autumn trimester. For Spring trimester either select listed option or alternative elective module of choice.
    PHTY20280 Born to Run: The Science of Human Endurance Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30010 Physiotherapy Clinical Education III Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30020 Physiotherapy Clinical Education IV Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30030 Physiotherapy Clinical Education V Autumn  10
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30090 Cardiorespiratory II Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30100 Neurology II Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30110 Clinical Exercise Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30120 Research Methods Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30320 Advanced Musculoskeletal Spring  5
    Stage 3 Core Modules
    PHTY30410 Health in a Global Society Spring  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    FLME41030 Legal Medicine (Physiotherapy) Autumn  2.5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHAR20030 Pharmacology Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHTY30190 Physiotherapy Clinical Education VI Autumn  10
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHTY40690 Physiotherapy Clinical Special Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHTY40790 Physio Practice III Autumn  2.5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHTY41190 Sports Physiotherapy Autumn  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHTY30450 Digital Transformation in Physiotherapy & Sports Science Spring  5
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHTY40670 Physiotherapy Clin Ed VII Spring  10
    Stage 4 Core Modules
    PHTY41220 Advanced Professional Practice Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Please select option modules to the value of 10 credits or or alternatively request a fourth year elective place on another module.
    PHTY41010 Physiotherapy Research 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr)  10
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Please select option modules to the value of 10 credits or or alternatively request a fourth year elective place on another module.
    PERS10020 Fundamentals of S & C Online Spring  5
    Stage 4 Options - A) Min 0 of:
    Please select option modules to the value of 10 credits or or alternatively request a fourth year elective place on another module.
    PHTY20280 Born to Run: The Science of Human Endurance Spring  5

    I chose this course because of my passion for sport and helping people. It has nurtured these passions, allowing me to learn from expert lecturers with years of experience in different fields. I have particularly enjoyed the practical aspect of the course, where we get to apply what we have learned in lectures. The clinical placements have also given me great exposure to healthcare settings and have allowed me to use my skills in real life scenarios. Although I came into UCD thinking about a career in sport, this course has sparked an interest in other areas of physiotherapy, widening my options for my future career. I highly recommend this course to anyone thinking about a career in healthcare or sport.

    Fintan Ryan, Student

    Graduates of the UCD BSc Physiotherapy Program will:


    1. Function as highly skilled competent autonomous clinicians in diverse and local, national and global dynamic health environments

    2. Collaborate and practice as confident and competent members of inter-professional healthcare teams

    3. Demonstrate a whole-person and compassionate approach to patient care and self-care

    4. Critically evaluate and apply evidence and research skills to inform and advance Physiotherapy clinical practice

    5. Practice in a professional, safe ethical and legal manner

    6. Practice as a reflective clinician and demonstrate a commitment to life long learning and professional development.

    7. Demonstrate advocacy and leadership for clients and the profession

    8. Communicate in ways that recognise and respect cultural and linguistic diversity


    Please note: in any Physiotherapy programme (i.e. have not nmet academic or other requirements within the programme) will only be considered for admission to Physiotherapy in UCD on a case-by-case appeal basis, to be considered by the relevantProgramme Board.

    Other: Health Screening & Garda (Police) Vetting: Entry Information

    General application route(s) for Irish/UK/EU applicants* for International (non-EU) applicants* to Physiotherapy:

    ROWCLASS Apply to
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
    Non EU Undergraduates
    Bachelor of Science

    Commencing September 2025
    Application through CAO
    * you can change options at the top of the page