Member Committee Role
Professor Dolores O'Riordan Vice President for Global Engagement (Chair)
Ms Sarah O'Flaherty Bursar (nominee)
Mr Mark Lande Chief Technology Officer (nominee)
Professor Barbara Dooley Dean of Graduate studies
Professor Jason Last Dean of Students
Professor Marie Clarke Dean of Under graduate studies
Mr Michael Talbot Director Global Engagement Strategy
Ms Bronwyn Molony Director of Quality
Ms Dipti Pandya Director of Research (nominee)
Ms Shauna Hughes Director of UCD Global - Global Relations, Partnerships and Mobility
Mrs Una Watkins Director of UCD Global - International Student Recruitment
Ms Lisa Flannery Director of University Relations (nominee)
Mr Cameron Murrell Director of University Secretariat
Professor Paul Fanning Provost, China Joint Colleges
Professor Donal Bredin Vice-Principal (International), College of Business
Assoc Professor Thomas Curran Vice-Principal (International), College of Engineering & Architecture
Dr Aifric O'Sullivan Vice-Principal (International), College of Health and Agricultural Sciences
Professor Eleni Mangina Vice-Principal (International),College of Science