VET30530 Clinical Musculoskeletal Sys

Academic Year 2023/2024

This module is part of the core course in veterinary medicine. Over the course of the module, students will acquire an understanding of the clinical and pathological aspects of musculoskeletal diseases of small and large animals and will gain an overview of clinical and diagnostic techniques. The aim is to learn how to incorporate pathological, diagnostic and clinical information to have strong foundations when entering the clinical final year and to be able to approach real clinical cases.

***Please check and be aware if this module is a prerequisite (Academic Regulation 3.27(a)) for any future modules.

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Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module students should be able to:
Discuss, using correct terminology, the pathogenic mechanisms of musculoskeletal diseases;
Explain the pathophysiology and aetiopathogenesis of common musculoskeletal diseases;
Discuss the pathologic basis of common musculoskeletal diseases;
Explain a rational approach to pharmacological management of musculoskeletal diseases;
Correlate physical examination findings with appropriate further diagnostic investigations and formulate an appropriate diagnostic and treatment plan for common musculoskeletal diseases in small animals, equines and farm animals.
Discuss the main clinical and radiographic features of the most common musculoskeletal diseases in small animals, equines and farm animals.
Know the main procedures for the diagnostic techniques commonly used in the investigation of musculoskeletal diseases such as radiographs and nerve blocks;
Critically evaluate and make an appropriate case by case decision on which of the current diagnostic tests must be used in common musculoskeletal diseases;
Develop a rational approach to information management using a problem-oriented approach;

Indicative Module Content:

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours




Project Supervision




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
The approaches to teaching and learning include:
- Lectures as the main component of the module
- Microbiology and pathology practicals to be attended in both laboratories and the post mortem room
- Case-based learning using real clinical cases and including group work/peer review 
Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
VET30050 - Applied Therapies, VET30160 - Intro Clinical Med and Surg, VET30560 - Veterinary Pathobiology I, VET30570 - Veterinary Pathobiology II

Veterinary Clinical Musculoske (VET30150)

Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Attendance: Micro: CBL type scenario presented as powerpoint/word doc
Pathology: groups assignments to be completed at the end of the labs; based on clinical case material used and discussed.
Throughout the Trimester n/a Other No


Examination: Written exam: 5 CIE type questions+2 extended matching Q . Questions will test practical application on interdisciplinary knowledge and will cover the various subjects discussed throughout the module. 1 hour End of Trimester Exam No Graded No


Group Project: CBL: Clinical details of a large and a small animal case will be provided to students over two weeks each; students will work in groups to work up the data, reach a diagnosis and present the case. Throughout the Trimester n/a Graded No


Multiple Choice Questionnaire: Mid-term exam Is a 1hour exam: 30 minutes for 30 MCQ (including ALL disciplines proportionately to the number of lectures) and 30 minutes for THREE ten minutes CIE type questions (clinical cases). 1 hour End of Trimester Exam n/a Graded No



Carry forward of passed components
Resit In Terminal Exam
Summer Yes - 1 Hour
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 
Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Group/class feedback, post-assessment
• Online automated feedback
• Peer review activities

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

For the CBL group activities, students will receive an online feedback for each group as well as a class feedback in form of a general discussion of the clinical cases. Peer review forms are also associated to these activities as part of a study. For the Mid-term exam students will receive the automated online numerical feedback. Individual feedback can be occasionally requested if students are unclear on their results on the two components of the mid-term exam.

VET 30530 Musculoskeletal Suggested reading list

Section VII of: Quinn PJ, Markey BK, Leonard FC, FitzPatrick ES, Fanning S and Hartigan PJ; (2011) Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease 2nd Edition . Wiley-Blackwell

Small animal surgery :
1. Tobias. Small Animal Surgery, 2nd Edition
2. Fossum T. Small Animal surgery 5th Edition
3. Piermattei. Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat

Farm Animal:
1. Radostits O. M., Houston D.M. , Mayhew I. G. Veterinary Clinical Examination and Diagnosis
2. Anderson D.E., Desrochers A. Bovine Orthopaedics. Veterinary Clinics of North America (food animal practice)!/search?bookMark=ePnHCXMwjV09C8IwEA2i-EX_gIN0l0KapGmyKoqbDjpLmmtw0qLF3-9dU8XRKcslHITj8S73XmYscTSbfWs7DRewKFSJM1X-FcjrJ5ddC46LAZmZFiZTiCvDzi-TFDWCT76UyepizCZCFRIrmk_ZYk1Eu04Pj_Z6b-gt45keEUscYcUo4JXVSb_O2Xm3PW32Wf-rQIZlrfPMgIVc5EFh9qXXkgcO1jgotQ0awdp4o5UPhQCtLIeyDB6kriqlwAnnKjlny3huRKxLE20hLp8kMcDEgF8k-4YRC5HIBY3oOuub3oqbJOgtbl39v1W-AfpMY_s

Diagnostic imaging:
1. Butler J. Clinical radiology of the horse
2. Kirberger R. BSAVA Manual of canine and feline musculoskeletal imaging.
3. All the BSAVA manuals are now available as e-books in the library

Equine surgery:
1. Ross and Dyson. Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse
2. Baxter Manual of Equine Lameness
3. Hinchcliff Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery
4. Auer & Stick Equine Surgery 5th edition

Skeletal pathology:
1. Chapter 16, Bones, Joints, Tendons & Ligaments . In ‘Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease’, Sixth edition, 2017, pp. 954-1006, Edited by J.F. Zachary, Elsevier, ISBN – 9780323357753.!/search?bookMark=ePnHCXMw42LgTQStzc4rAe_hSmGEHHJjbGRsbGpuaW7KjMbngA-ImJlbArsbnAxqAYkl0JyvACzKM4sV8tMUykCLQ8A7VBWgMxc8DKxpwBhK5YXS3Awybq4hzh66pckp8dCxj_gkI9BEnJkB6F5cTYh0YnE2sPgAWlBSHF-WA56SLI5HcRJQrQZELbB_Dmy5ZgD74KnxBZDTH5CUAlUaE7AVANP0Ta4
2. Chapter 2 – Bones & Joints. In Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer’s ‘Pathology of Domestic Animals’, Volume 1, Sixth Edition, 2016, pp. 16-163, Elsevier Saunders, ISBN - 13 – 978070205322 - 1

Muscle pathology
1. Beth A. Valentine, Skeletal muscle. In Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease’, Sixth edition, 2017, pp. 908-953, Edited by James F. Zachary, Mosby Elsevier, ISBN – 13: 978 – 0 – 323 – 35775 – 3.
2. John F. Van Fleet & Beth A. Valentine, Muscle & tendon. In: Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer’s ‘Pathology of Domestic Animals’, Volume 1, Sixth Edition, 2016, pp. 164 - 249, Elsevier Saunders, ISBN - 978 – 0 - 7020 - 5322 - 1

Name Role
Professor Pieter Brama Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Professor Deirdre Campion Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Assoc Professor Joe Cassidy Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Professor Theo De Waal Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Professor Michael Doherty Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Maria Gomez Sanchez Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Assoc Professor Hanne Jahns Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Professor Lisa Katz Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Clodagh Kearney Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Emmet Kelly Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Professor Finola Leonard Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Professor Bryan Markey Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Stephen Martin Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Marie-Pauline Maurin Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Avril McGinn Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Mr Ronan Mullins Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Mr John Mark O'Leary Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Assoc Professor Antonella Puggioni Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Mr Eoin Ryan Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Catherine Mc Aloon Tutor
Ms Elise O'Byrne-White Tutor
Miss Aoife O'Kane Tutor
Ms Michelle Purcell Tutor
Mr John Wyatt Tutor