PORT20040 Portuguese Language IIa

Academic Year 2024/2025

This module is designed for students who already have a basic knowledge of the Portuguese language and are looking to improve and develop their communication skills, being able to express themselves about personal and familiar subjects in a simple and coherent way. It aims to provide the communication competences for Level B1.2, taking as reference the descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

It is orientated for academically trained learners who are willing to learn a foreign language and acquire intermediate command of the Portuguese language. This module's main objective is to improve students’ proficiency in a foreign language through a metacognitive approach to Portuguese language teaching and learning, and encouraging skilfully communicating and interacting in Portuguese language. Strong emphasis is placed on linguistic competences (grammatical accuracy, vocabulary range and control, orthographic and phonological control embedded in linguistic and social contexts) and Lusophone culture.

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Learning Outcomes:

On satisfactory completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.;
- Read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interests with a satisfactory level of comprehension;
- Write straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within his/her field of interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear sequence;
- Communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routine matters related to his/her interests and professional field;
- Exchange, check and confirm information, deal with less routine situations and explain why something is a problem;
- Have a sufficient range of language to describe unpredictable situations, explain the main points in an idea or problem with reasonable precision and express thoughts on abstract or cultural topics.

Indicative Module Content:

1. Já era tarde quando tu chegaste!
Topics: Dar uma explicação para um atraso ao telefone e/ou por escrito; pedir desculpa por um atraso; aceitar uma desculpa.

2. Quando saí de casa, estava a chover.
Topics: Contar uma história localizando-a no tempo; contar um incidente; compreender um boletim meteorológico.

3. O que aconteceu?
Topics: Testemunhar um acidente; relatar um facto junto das autoridades; pedir ajuda; falar sobre o estado físico.

4. Tenho andado a pensar...
Topics: Relatar uma viagem; escrever/responder a um anúncio; relatar experiências específicas sobre os tempos livres.

5. Viajar é ganhar novas experiências!
Topics: O programa Erasmus; relatar/comparar experiências de vida; comparar sistemas de ensino.

6. Qual é a mensalidade do ginásio?
Topics: Marcações/inscrições por telefone; pedir informações sobre bens e serviços; argumentar/resolver conflitos.

7. O que é que ele disse?
Topics: Cartas (in)formais; notas informativas; emails; relatar o que alguém disse.

8. O que diz o jornal?
Topics: Textos informativos - imprensa; compreender notícias; relatar factos do quotidiano/notícias.

9. Será que ele vai chegar atrasado?
Topics: Textos informativos - imprensa; compreender textos informativos e noticiosos relatando factos futuros; relatar factos futuros; expressar cortesia; fazer convites e dar sugestões; expressar dúvida e incerteza no passado.

10. Procurar emprego
Topics: Profissões; carta de apresentações; currículo profissional; entrevista de emprego.

11. Para onde vão eles este ano?
Topics: Viagens; relatar sequências de ações relacionadas com viagens e deslocações; pedir informações sobre rotas e destinos turísticos.

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours
Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning


Small Group




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
In this module the key teaching and learning approaches used are: active/task-based learning enhanced with Brightspace Virtual Learning Environments; peer and group work and student presentations.
Students are expected to spend some hours per week working on the various course activities:
Self-study: Reading and listening to materials relating to the course modules; doing tasks and a variety of exercises, including grammar;
Oral interaction in class is expected and interaction through Brightspace to solve any doubts, problems and any other issues students might have. 
Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations
Learning Recommendations:

Students taking this module will normally have already taken either PORT10030 or LANG10690.
Students are welcome to contact the Module Coordinator to discuss language levels.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.
Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade

Not yet recorded.

Carry forward of passed components
Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring Yes - 2 Hour
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 
Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, on an activity or draft prior to summative assessment
• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment
• Group/class feedback, post-assessment
• Online automated feedback
• Self-assessment activities

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Formative feedback individually to students on non graded assessments at the discretion of the tutor - Students will be told what they have done well and what they need to do to improve. Feedback individually to students on graded assessments - includes reminding students of what they were aiming to achieve (the learning outcomes). Feedback to the class, on activities developed in class, where appropriate - feedback given against explicit and agreed criteria for success (clear marking criteria aligned with the learning outcomes).

- Candeias, Sara, Arlindo Veiga e Fernando Perdigão. PRONUNCIAÇÃO DE VERBOS PORTUGUESES - GUIA PRÁTICO. Lidel, 2015.

- Coelho, Luísa e Carla Oliveira. PORTUGUÊS EM FOCO 2. Lidel, 2017.

- Coimbra, Olga Mata e Isabel Coimbra. GRAMÁTICA ATIVA 1. 3ª Edição. Lidel, 2011.

- Monteiro, Deolinda e Beatriz Pessoa. GUIA PRÁTICO DOS VERBOS PORTUGUESES. 7ª Edição. Lidel, 2011.

Name Role
Dr Romeu Foz Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Ana Vera Lecturer / Co-Lecturer