NMHS33810 Prep Internship: Child & Adult

Academic Year 2023/2024

The purpose of this module is to further develop and consolidate the student’s theoretical knowledge of nursing practice, for children and adults, in conjunction with technical and non-technical nursing skills, through experiential learning, e-simulation/simulation and debriefing in preparation for internship.
Students will be expected to apply theoretical and clinical knowledge and skills, learned over the course of their programme, while exploring and demonstrating new technical and non-technical skills to enhance clinical practice. Students will be expected to understand and demonstrate evidence-based nursing practices including patient and child-centred care, critical thinking, clinical judgement, decision-making skills, competent technical skills, and effective interpersonal and communication skills. The module will encompass a variety of pedagogical platforms including lectures, online learning, case studies, small group work, technology-enhanced learning and simulation workshops.
The module is part of the essential requirements for professional registration and the credit load of the module reflects the student effort hours required to achieve the learning outcomes. Active engagement and attendance are expected by each student. There will be one must pass component to this module (venepuncture and cannulation OSCE). In the instance, where a student receives a provisional failing grade for the OSCE, a student may avail of an in-module repeat. There will also be a graded MCQ medication calculations test during the trimester. The end of term assessment will consist of a written assignment case study. Please note the grading scale for this module will be published on Brightspace.

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Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module the student will be able to:
• Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and application of the key principles of medication management including accurate medication calculations.
• Demonstrate comprehensive understanding and application of the key principles for venepuncture and intravenous cannulation for adults.
• Evaluate and apply nursing values to the safely deliver compassionate and effective patient and child-centered care to an adult and child with acute care needs.
• Apply the principles of assessment, nursing diagnosis, intervention and evaluation to a range of clinical scenarios for children and adults in acute and community settings.
• Demonstrate assertiveness skills to enhance interpersonal communication skills for delivering patient and child-centered care, build effective team relationships and safeguard patients.
• Demonstrate an increased knowledge of commonly used laboratory tests and how to interpret the results in the context of individual patients and children.
• Engage and develop critical thinking, clinical judgment and decision-making skills.

Indicative Module Content:

Indicative Module Content:
* Principles of Medication Management, Medication History & Medication Calculations
* Principles of Venepuncture and Cannulation
* Interpreting Laboratory Tests
* Assertive Communication Skills
* Assessment and Management of a Child with Acute Needs
* Organisation and Management of Your Patient Workload as an Internship Nurse

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours
Autonomous Student Learning








Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
A variety of pedagogical platforms including didactic lectures, case studies, small group work, technology-enhanced learning, and simulation workshops. 
Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.
Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Multiple Choice Questionnaire: MCQ Medication Calculations Test (Adult & Children) and submission of HSELand Certificates Week 5 n/a Graded No


Examination: End of Trimester Exam 1 hour End of Trimester Exam No Graded No


Practical Examination: Adult Simulation in Week 3 and Week 11 Throughout the Trimester n/a Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes



Carry forward of passed components
Remediation Type Remediation Timing
In-Module Resit Prior to relevant Programme Exam Board
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 
Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment
• Group/class feedback, post-assessment
• Self-assessment activities

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Students will be provided class feedback post-assessment of medication calculations. Students will receive formative feedback during Venepuncture and Cannulation workshop. Students will engage with online self-assessment activities throughout the module. Students will be provided individual feedback post written assignment. Rubric will be available on Brightspace for the correction of case studies.

• American Heart Association (2015) Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual. USA: American Heart Association.
• Ball J.W., Bindler R.C., Cowen, K.J. and Shaw, M.R. (2019) Child Health Nursing. Partnering with Children and Families. Updated Third Edition. Boston: Pearson Education Inc.
• Blair, K. (2015) Medicines Management in Children’s Nursing, 2nd edn., London: SAGE Publication Ltd.
• CHI, at Crumlin (2017) Medication Policy. Available at: https://www.olchc.ie/Healthcare-Professionals/Nursing-Practice-Guidelines/Medication-Policy-2017.pdf (Accessed 30th March 2021).
• CHI, at Crumlin (2018) ‘TEN RIGHTS’ OF SAFE MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION Available at: https://www.olchc.ie/Healthcare-Professionals/Nursing-Practice-Guidelines/Medication-Safety-10-Rights-of-Medication-Safety-2018.pdf (Accessed 30th March 2021).
• Children’s Health Ireland, at Crumlin (CHI) (2019.2020) The hospital formulary and prescribing guide. 2019. Dublin: CHI.
• Crawford, D. (2018). ‘Understanding fluid homeostasis in infants and children: part 1’. Nursing Children and Young People, 30(01), 39-46. doi:10.7748/ncyp.2018.e947.
• Crawford, D. (2018) ‘Understanding fluid homoeostasis in infants and children: part 2’. Nursing Children and Young People, doi:10.7748/ncyp.2018.e1014.
• Department of Health and Health Education England and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) (2020) Spotting the sick child. Available at: https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/resources/spotting-sick-child-online-learning (Accessed 30th March 2021).
• Hockenberry, M.J. and Wilson, D. (2017) Wong’s essentials of pediatric nursing.10th edn. St. Louis: Mosby.
• Lambert, V., Long, T. & Kelleher, D. (2012) Communication skills for children’s nurses. UK: McGraw Hill Open University Press.
• Macqueen, S., Bruce, E. A. and Gibson, F. (eds.) (2012) The Great Ormond Street Hospital manual of children’s nursing practices. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
• National Clinical Effectiveness Committee (2015) The Irish Paediatric Early Warning System: National Clinical Guideline No. 12. Available at: https://assets.gov.ie/11584/b591d589d8fa4d8482ccfd8429baa0cc.pdf (Accessed 30th March 2021).
• Royal College of Nursing (RCN) (2017) Standards for assessing, measuring and monitoring vital signs in infants, children and young people: Clinical Professional Resource. Available at: https://www.rcn.org.uk/professional-development/publications/pub-005942 (Accessed 30th March 2021).
• Terris, M. (2020) Fluid and electrolyte balance in children, Paediatrics and Child Health,
30(90, pp. 328-332. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paed.2020.06.002 (Accessed 30th March 2021).
*Further reading will be recommended each week and posted on Brightspace.
Name Role
Ms Kate Coveney Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Katie Hill Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Stacey Power Walsh Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Michaela Schumann Lecturer / Co-Lecturer