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Academic Year 2021/2022

Creative Thinking & Innovation (IA20010)

Innovation Academy
VP - Research, Innov & Impact
Innovation Academy
2 (Intermediate)
Module Coordinator:
Ms Jacinta Owens
Autumn and Spring (separate)
Mode of Delivery:
Internship Module:
How will I be graded?
Pass/Fail (GPA Neutral)

Curricular information is subject to change.

'Creative Thinking & Innovation' at the Innovation Academy will increase your creative thinking skills, problem solving skills, team-working skills, design thinking and lateral thinking abilities through hands on exercises, tasks and challenges.

Over the course of the module, you will actively engage in developing creative solutions to problems and learn methods to critically evaluate these solutions. You will practice the art of storytelling through pitching ideas, making videos and creating and delivering presentations.

As part of this module, you will work in a multidisciplinary team on a real-world problem set by an external organisation. This opportunity to experience real-world learning in innovative online working environments is invaluable for students.

This module is suitable for students from any discipline, and for those with little or no prior experience of creativity or innovation processes, as well as those who know the basics but want to develop further.



This module runs five times over the year

Sept 6th - 10th Full days (Online only via Zoom) Note: "Live online" is a highly interactive and dynamic approach to online learning consisting of class discussions, breakout rooms, mini-breaks and team activities and projects throughout the week. Classes generally run 09:30 to 13:30 live online, 2.30-4.30pm independent and teamwork in the afternoons. You must be available to attend and participate 9.30am-4.30pm every day of the module and complete any pre-module tasks and post-module deliverables.
Thursday afternoons 2-5pm Oct 14th to Dec 2nd (face to face)
Jan 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th Full days (face to face)
You must be available to attend and participate 9.30am-4.30pm every day of the module and complete any pre-module tasks and post-module deliverables.
Thursday afternoons 2-5pm Jan 20th to March 3rd (face to face)
March 7th - 11th Full days (face to face)
You must be available to attend and participate 9.30am-4.30pm every day of the module and complete any pre-module tasks and post-module deliverables.

UCD Innovation Academy

At the UCD Innovation Academy, we are a group of Educator Practitioners with extensive real-world experience as academics, business and social entrepreneurs, tech thinkers, creative professionals and design thinking practitioners.

We take an action-oriented approach to learning, with a combination of individual, group and class tasks and activities, including discussions, presentations and reflection. All of our teaching is grounded in academic rigour, but our focus is on ‘learning by doing’ in a real-world context.

**Enrolment in an Innovation Academy module means a commitment to active participation and engagement, which necessitates attendance at all scheduled classes.**

Class Size : We limit our class size to 36 students or less. We require a minimum of 16 participants to ensure enough people for teamwork and a dynamic classroom environment. On very rare occasions, if fewer than 16 registered students register, we will offer students the opportunity to join another class.

COVID-19 : Our courses will be run in accordance with good practice, University and Government guidelines around COVID-19. Please note we may need to change our delivery format in light of updated guidelines or circumstances.


About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

On completion students should be able to:

• Understand the relevance and importance of creative thinking and how it can be applied in a variety of disciplines to generate solutions
• Use problem-solving tools and techniques and understand the process for initiating and using creative techniques within project structures
• Combine a variety of different techniques to approach problems that will ensure they have fully investigated the root issues associated with the problem
• Understand the dynamics of teamwork, the different roles required in teams and effective teamworking skills
• Develop their visual and verbal communication skills
• Practice giving and receiving feedback
• Practice personal reflection as a tool for continuous self improvement

Indicative Module Content:

• Creative Thinking: Exploring creativity through tasks, techniques and discussion
• Innovation Sprint: Solving real-world problems set by host organisations
• Idea Generation Techniques & Ideation Tools
• Design Thinking
• De Bono Thinking Methods
• Narrative Structure for Pitching and Presenting
• Teamwork Frameworks: Theory and Practice
• Tools for Reflective Practice

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours
Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning




Small Group






Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
All Innovation Academy modules take a 'learning by doing' approach, combining individual, and group activities and tasks including presentations, discussion and reflection. Guest speakers will share their own experiences and lessons learnt.

• Active/task-based learning
• Real-world challenges set by host organisations
• Peer and Group work
• Reflective Learning
• Enquiry & Problem-based learning
• Student Presentations

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
IA20160 - Creativity & Innovation (OL), IA40430 - Creativity & Innovation, IA50004 - Creativity & Innovation


Assessment Strategy
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Assignment: Reflection Report Throughout the Trimester n/a Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes
Attendance: This module requires active participation and engagement, which necessitates attendance at ALL scheduled classes. (80% attendance is required to pass this component.) Throughout the Trimester n/a Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes
Continuous Assessment: Online and offline tasks and activities Throughout the Trimester n/a Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes
Presentation: Team Project Presentation Throughout the Trimester n/a Pass/Fail Grade Scale Yes

Carry forward of passed components

Remediation Type Remediation Timing
Repeat Within Two Trimesters
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Group/class feedback, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Facilitators will give verbal feedback on classroom based continuous assessment activities such as group presentations, presentation materials and other deliverables.

Creative Confidence by David Kelley, Tom Kelley
Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull
The Design Thinking Playbook by Michael Lewrick
Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Name Role
Ms Clare Mulvany Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Jacinta Owens Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Duc Minh Vu Lecturer / Co-Lecturer