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Academic Year 2024/2025

Risk Management & Quality: Professional Project (FLME40140)

Forensic & Legal Medicine
Health & Agricultural Sciences
4 (Masters)
Module Coordinator:
Mr Asim Sheikh
Mode of Delivery:
Internship Module:
How will I be graded?
Letter grades

Curricular information is subject to change.

MODULE 3: This module consists of 2 components: Written (1) & Oral Project (2). Oral Presentation in Trimester 3 before external examiners of a professional pilot project (work for which commences in Trimester 2 when students are presented with project guidelines). In January, the students present a preliminary outline of the pilot which idea is refined by consultation with the Module co-ordinator. From January to April students research and pilot the project. This presentation is thus part of a continuous assessment project. In addition, the students are required to submit a dissertation of between 1500- 2000 words maximum which comprises of the written aspect of the professional pilot project and thus commences in January. The highest overall scorer of this Module is awarded a bursary - subject to final graduation - by the State Claims Agency in recognition of professional excellence in Clinical Risk Management. Students must pass this module to graduate from the Graduate Diploma.

Work on this module will commence at the beginning of the trimester (January) written project will be submitted at the end of trimester 2. The project/professional presentation will be given at the beginning of trimester 3. This is in accordance with Academic Regulations 3.5 (a) which allows for the teaching, learning and assessment activities associated with component 1 to stretch over 2 trimesters in circumstances where this module is a research-related one (dissertation/research project) and the value of the module is 20 credits or greater. However, the total module creditors 30 credits – which is divided into 2 equal parts – therefore, in this respect, the student will not carry greater than 30 credits in any trimester.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

Ability to form and communicate his/her knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience. Communicate effectively in writing, oral and visual presentation to be able to present ideas at all levels of a medical enterprise from lower staff to corporate management. Ability to Use information technology and electronic sources of information in work, practice and presentation. Ability to learn to think in terms of `integrated governance' and practical solutions to problems in healthcare with may lead to harm to patients, by working with supervisor/s who are in the professional fields of law, medicine and governance. Develop ability to engage in in-depth research, read and interpret learning styles relevant to interpretation of law and policy by way of learning self-critically and self-directed learning. Use computers, information technology and electronic sources of information in study, research, and presentation. Communicate effectively in writing, orally and visually in a wide range of situations at all levels of a medical setting.Plan and prioritise study; Use time effectively; Demonstrate a proactive approach to learning by way of critical analysis and thinking and self-directed learning.Interpret and discuss research and policy.Present medical, legal and/or medico-ethical/legal hypotheses and mount systematic and logical arguments for and against them. Apply his/her knowledge, understanding, research, analytical and problem solving abilities within new and unfamiliar areas of study, professional and multidisciplinary activity across the disciplines of Medicine, Clinical risk management, corporate governance, law and ethics. Access, collate, evaluate and apply his/her knowledge and understanding of advanced legal publications, medico-legal research, legislation and legal judgments with a view to understanding the policy ramifications of the same and their application to clinical practice in a way that seeks to underpin and understand a clinical risk management problem, resolve it and offer an opportunity to improve the delivery of patient care at local policy level. Make critical evaluations of medico-legal and risk management literature, opinions, medical policy and research, legislation and case law. Have the ability to integrate multi-disciplinary knowledge combined with complex concepts and scenarios in a medical setting for the purposes of resolving complex medico-ethical and legal problems at professional and social levels. Evaluate information and professional scenarios to formulate complex judgments and policy in a medical working environment with regard to the short term and longer term ramifications of such policies to ensure sustained and workable medical policies are put into place.

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours
Specified Learning Activities




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
As this is a written project module – the students here are expected to bring to bear the skills required during the previous trimesters with a view to being able to present a coherent and persuasive professional idea in relation to an area of patient safety, clinical risk management and medico-legal aspects of healthcare with a view to effecting change in the workplace.

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations
Learning Requirements:

Must have attended Module 1
Must be attending Module 2
Must have submitted an Outline in January Semester 2 that is deemed suitable

Learning Exclusions:

No attendence of Module 1 & 2 taught modules

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
FLME40040 - Risk Mgt&Quality:Sem 1 taught

FLME40050 - Risk Mgt&Quality:Sem 2 taught


Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered

Not yet recorded.

Carry forward of passed components

Resit In Terminal Exam
Autumn No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment
• Group/class feedback, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Initially – in January of the term – students are obliged to submit a summary of their project outline. The module coordinator gives individual feedback on this outline in terms of suitability of idea. After completion – and assessment – firstly, in relation to the oral presentation, to external examiners provide feedback which is available to the students on request. In relation to the written dissertation – again, feedback on an individual basis is available on request to students. The module coordinator will also give general feedback in relation to general performance to the group as a whole.

Name Role
Dr Cliona McGovern Lecturer / Co-Lecturer