EDUC10240 Introduction to Language Learning, Pedagogy & Communication

Academic Year 2023/2024

This is an introductory module where key issues in language learning will be discussed. A particular attention will be paid to the link between theory, research and language pedagogy. The module explores issues around the nature of language, the object of learning and the basic ingredients affecting language learning. A variety of topics, including the mechanisms in the mind responsible for language learning, the roles that input and output play in language learning, and how language develops in the learner’s mind over time will be discussed. Implications for language pedagogy will be highlighted.
Education is embedded within the relational and, as such, communicating in a clear and effective manner is a key skill for teaching in the classroom and for engaging within/outside the broader school community. This module will also develop student teacher competencies in communication, with particular focus on de/constructing the strategies underpinning clear communication. This module will introduce students to the stages of a lesson when engaging in language pedagogy. Students will work as part of a learning community, providing them with a safe space to develop their own skills as effective communicators.

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Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module students will be enabled to:
- Develop an understanding of second language learning processes
- Identify and explain relevant key concepts in language learning
- Develop an awareness of the research-pedagogy link
- Understand the use of language awareness strategies
- Apply second language acquisition theories in the teaching and learning of
languages to the Irish post-primary context
- Examine the role of language input in the teaching and learning of languages at post-primary
- Identify the key strategies for effective communication in the classroom and across the wider educational community (including with parents)
- Work as part of a strengths-based learning community to develop their skills as effective communicators in the classroom
- Identify effective strategies and approaches in language pedagogy
- Critique communication approaches in language lessons and suggest ways in which more effective strategies and approaches can be adopted
- Identify the key theories and readings underpinning the principles of effective communication in education
- Engage in personal reflection and identify strategies to enhance communication skills and approaches
- Identify the key elements to delivering and communicating a lesson in the classroom, with specific focus on language pedagogy.

Indicative Module Content:

- Introduction to Second Language Acquisition (SLA) - What is it?
- What are the basic ingredients in language learning? (input and innate knowledge)
- How does the language system develop? (the centrality of implicit knowledge)
- What is the role of output?
- What are the effects of instructional efforts in language learning?
- What is language and what is its relevance for the language classroom?
- What is the nature and role of communication in second language learning?
- Languages in the primary curriculum (connect strategy/ PPLI) / What does a language classroom look like in a primary setting
- The role of the target language in the MFL classroom
- Communication approaches: effective communication in education
- Delivering a lesson/activity in the classroom (learning intentions/setting students up for success)
- The use of instructional games in the MFL classroom for learning.

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours
Small Group




Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
In-class discussions
Experiential and Active learning Group/Peer discussion
Flipped Classroom Small Group Lecture
Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.
Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Group Project: In-class group presentation
End of trimester MCQ n/a Graded Yes


Portfolio: Portfolio of activities Throughout the Trimester n/a Graded Yes



Carry forward of passed components
Resit In Terminal Exam
Spring No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 
Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, on an activity or draft prior to summative assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Formative Assessment on Activities throughout the module - Weekly Summative Assessment - End of Module

Benati, A. (2024). Second language teacher education; An evidence-based perspective. London: Bloomsbury.
Benati, A. (2022). Key terms for language teachers: A pocket guide. London: Equinox.
Buck, J and Wightwick, C. (2013). Teaching and learning Languages: A practical guide of learning by doing. London: Routledge.
Erlam, R, Philp, J. and Feick, D (2021). Teaching languages to adolescent learners, from theory to practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Goodwin, M, Sommervold, C. (2012). Creativity, critical thinking and communication: Strategies to increase students’ skills, Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield.
Hood, P (2019). Teaching languages creatively. Oxon: Routledge.
Hodge, B. (1993). Teaching as communication. Oxon: Routledge.
Keating, G. (2018). Second language acquisition. The basics. New York: Routledge
Long, M. (2007). Problems in SLA. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Mosley, J,Tew, M. (1999). Quality circle time in the secondary school: A handbook of good practice. London: Routledge.
Johnson, L. (2017). Cultivating communication in the classroom. London: Sage.
Sawford, R., Miles, A. (2021). Communication at the heart of the school. London: Routledge.
Schmitt, R., Rodgers, M. (2018). An introduction to applied linguistics. London: Routledge.
VanPatten, B. (2018). Communication and skills. New York: Routledge.
VanPatten, B., Smith, M., Benati, A. (2019). Key questions in second language
acquisition: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
VanPatten, Benati, A. (2015). Key terms in second language acquisition. London: Bloomsbury.
Watts, C, Forder, C., Philips, H. (2013). Living Languages: An integrated approach to teaching foreign languages in primary school. London: Routledge.
White, K. (2016). Teacher Communication: A guide to relational organisational and classroom communication. London: Rowman & Littlefield.