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Academic Year 2022/2023

Independent Study (DRAM30130)

Drama Studies
Arts & Humanities
English, Drama & Film
3 (Degree)
Module Coordinator:
Professor Eamonn Jordan
Mode of Delivery:
On Campus
Internship Module:
How will I be graded?
Letter grades

Curricular information is subject to change.

By Third Year, many students have come across plays, performance, practitioners and ways of thinking and responding to theatre that excites them. Here is an opportunity for you to do some in-depth research around a topic you really wish to explore, about which you are truly passionate and curious about, and something about which you can be very proud.
The module supports students across all stages of their research, introducing students to the skills required to conduct different types of research at third level in drama and performance studies, guiding students to develop and select analytically independent research ideas, and to facilitate students throughout the drafting and revision process.

There are many project options:
Indicative List:
1. Research Project (6000 words)
2. Theatre Review Portfolio (4 Theatre reviews/2 Longer Performance Analyses and Reviewing the Reviewers essay (6000 words)
3. Theatre Production Research (Trace any current production from text/performance/reception or a play’s diverse production history, etc) (6000 words)
4. Research Pack- Template Deevy’s Katie Roche at the Abbey Theatre
5. Create your own edited collection of essays on work previously published. The task is to gather already published essays, notate justify and write Introduction to the collection.

Student will be expected to produce a well-structured and focused piece of writing on a subject of their choice and pertinent to the study of drama and theatre, and to be able to reflect on their own approaches to the task.
While this is a second semester module, you will meet your module convenor a few times in the first semester. For the early part of the second semester, the class group will meet once a week and then irregularly, once you start working with the support of your project's supervisor.

About this Module

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this Module Students will

• Have selected and shaped a research project that is of substantial interest to you.
• Have planned, researched, drafted a project proposal.
• Have presented your work as a work in progress.
• Have benefitted from responding to feedback and discussion.
• Have undertaken the drafting, revising and editing needed to achieve satisfactory research work.
• Have experienced the rewards of independent learning.

Indicative Module Content:

Independent Study Project Provisional Outline

Nov/Dec Dates TBC- Meet Module convenor for a quick chat about ideas you might have

18/01 Developing and Enhancing Research Ideas (EJ)

25/01 Academic and Review Writing and Referencing/ Research Proposals (EJ)

Individual Consultation with Module Convenor: (EJ)
Meetings Scheduled individually

01/02 Presentation of your Project Idea/ Plan to full class (5%)
(c. 8 mins per speaker – about 300 words)
Present an outline of your project.

A more detailed Proposal to be handed up and this should include:
a) Task or Research Question
b) Contain a time-line outlining your plans
c) Include an initial Bibliography

(All projects to be submitted to Module Convenor for Approval. Proposals then circulated to staff)

08/02 First meeting with Supervisor

15/02 Work in Progress presentation-
This is an oral presentation based on your written Work in Progress Document (500 words), which is to be submitted today.
Each student presents to full class (c. 8 mins per person- 300 words) (5%) (EJ)
Outline: How the work is progressing, what problems/challenges you have encountered and how you have dealt with them, what new things have you discovered.

22/02 Second Meeting with Supervisor
01/03 No class
05/03 Submit 1. Sample Chapter/ Introduction (15%)
Submit 2. Project Plan/ Resource Assessment
Draft introduction/ sample chapter and overall thesis structure to be presented to supervisor. In addition, a short assessment of the research resources available must also be presented


22/03 Full Group Meeting
Short presentation -Articulate Your Challenges/Opportunities
(5% of overall mark) (EJ)

29/03 Submit full Draft to Supervisor
If no draft is presented, feedback is not possible

05/04 Final consultation with Supervisor

12/04 No Class

23/04 3 pm- Submission Electronic Copies of work submitted on Bright Space
(Also send electronic copies to your thesis supervisor)

TBC Opportunity to Present your work to Peers across Universities (Optional)


• You must arrange and keep appointments with your supervisor.
• Meetings with supervisor will take place during class times, unless agreed otherwise by you and your supervisor
• You must have work completed for each appointment.
• If no draft presented, feedback is not possible
• Late work will lose grades as per the regulations of the school- two grade points per week
• Late work may mean that you will miss the examination boards and end up delaying your graduation.

Student Effort Hours:
Student Effort Type Hours
Specified Learning Activities


Seminar (or Webinar)




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
Core classes with the Module Convenor
Individual meetings with Convenor
Meetings with Convenor prior to the trimester beginning
Individual supervision for all projects.

Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations
Learning Requirements:

Contemporary Ireland on Stage
20thCentury AvantGarde Theatre

Learning Recommendations:

To Take this module a student must be in their final year of study.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
DRAM20030 - Collab Prac: Intro to Devising, DRAM20090 - Contemporary British Theatre, DRAM20110 - Contemporary Ireland On Stage, DRAM20170 - Intro to Acting: Monologues, DRAM20190 - Playwriting, ENG20250 - Modern Drama

DRAM20180 - 20thCentury AvantGarde Theatre

Additional Information:
Before registering for this module, students must have: passed DRAM20110, attempted DRAM20180, AND students must have passed ONE of the following modules: DRAM20030 or DRAM20090 or ENG20250 or DRAM20170 or DRAM20190.


Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Open Book Exam Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered
Assignment: FINAL PROJECT Coursework (End of Trimester) n/a Graded No


Continuous Assessment: Work in progress Throughout the Trimester n/a Graded No



Carry forward of passed components

Resit In Terminal Exam
Summer No
Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 

Feedback Strategy/Strategies

• Feedback individually to students, on an activity or draft prior to summative assessment
• Feedback individually to students, post-assessment

How will my Feedback be Delivered?

Feedback is offered on Research Proposal, WIP statement and on a draft of the research project.

You will create your own reading list in association with your supervisor.

Greetham, Brian, How to write your Wndergraduate Dissertation (Palgrave) Get Latest Edition

Name Role
Dr Emma Bennett Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Ms Fiona Charleton Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Paul Halferty Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Mr Ciarán Leinster Lecturer / Co-Lecturer
Dr Jeanne Tiehen Lecturer / Co-Lecturer