ARCT40520 Work Placement - Architecture

Academic Year 2024/2025

Architectural graduates are required to undertake professional practical experience as part of the Professional Diploma programme. One method of fulfilling this requirement is through the Work Placement module. Students undertake a work placement in architectural practice for total min. period of 12 months. This may be in one or two periods of paid employment, in approved internship programmes or in a combination of both. During this time, the student participates in a structured programme of tutorials, workshops and assignments which are directly related to their experience in practice and which build on the lecture programme.
Students make application for these placements and may be offered interviews by the placement providers. Students may alternatively recommend a placement provider for approval by the module coordinator.
Attendance requirements are agreed in advance in consultation with the student, module co-ordinator and the placement provider. A member of the academic staff will be appointed to liase with the student during the period of their work placement. The member of academic staff will maintain contact with the student, and the student's supervisor within the placement architectural practice, throughout the work placement period. The main purpose of this ongoing contact is to ensure that students can meet the learning outcomes associated with this module and that a wide range of appropriate opportunities are made available to the student during the placement. Assessment of the module takes place (1) on an ongoing basis through assignments, presentations and workshop participation and (2) through submissions related to the students Case Study project. A student who does not adequately demonstrate the learning outcomes associated with this module will not achieve a pass mark. Remediation of a fail grade will require additional assignments, to be agreed with the module co-ordinator.

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Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module, the student should be able to:
- Show an awareness of the historical, social, environmental, legislative and economic context in which the built environment is procured.
- Demonstrate the knowledge, skills, competence and professionalism required for independent practice as an architect in Ireland.
-Demonstrate a very good working knowledge of the architect’s role, responsibilities and liabilities, including an understanding of professional, legal and contractual issues and an ability to apply this knowledge to specific problems.
-Demonstrate an ability to advise and represent a client in relation to legislation, programme, budget, contract and procurement.
-Show a good knowledge and understanding of the management of an architectural practice, including financial, legal and professional responsibilities.
-Show an ability to write professional reports and deliver presentations, including undertaking research, formatting the structure and presentation, accrediting references and assembling appendices.
-Demonstrate their personal professional experience gained throughout the development and construction of the selected project, including an ability to identify and expound on all relevant and critical issues at each stage of the selected construction project.
-Show an ability to critically analyse a project, including the ability to form a judgment on their personal contribution, professional abilities and competences.
-Demonstrate judgment, integrity and impartiality in their professional dealings.
-Demonstrate an ability to communicate clearly and comprehensively.

Student Effort Hours: 
Student Effort Type Hours
Specified Learning Activities


Autonomous Student Learning




Placement/Work Experience




Approaches to Teaching and Learning:
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Requirements, Exclusions and Recommendations

Not applicable to this module.

Module Requisites and Incompatibles
Not applicable to this module.
Assessment Strategy  
Description Timing Component Scale Must Pass Component % of Final Grade In Module Component Repeat Offered

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Carry forward of passed components
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Please see Student Jargon Buster for more information about remediation types and timing. 
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