MSc Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Studies

Graduate Taught (level 9 nfq, credits 90)

This part-time two-year programme provides a rigorous supervised clinical training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy contributing to a professional qualification to practice this therapeutic method with adults.

Since its inception in 1984, the programme has significantly contributed to the formation in clinical practice for many psychoanalytic practitioners and other clinicians who benefit from a psychoanalytic influence on their work. It is relevant for any mental health professional, including GPs, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, therapists, counsellors, and nurses. The programme also accepts applications from candidates from other backgrounds who are suitable for the programme based on their own prior experience of psychoanalysis.

  • Provides a rigorously supervised clinical training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy contributing to a professional qualification to practice
  • Requires engagement in one’s own psychoanalysis, the cornerstone of psychoanalytic practice
  • Provides weekly small group and individual clinical supervision
  • Provides a rigorous theoretical study of the principles underlying psychoanalytic practice
  • Includes participation at a weekly psychiatric case conference at St. Vincent's University Hospital which is a unique teaching forum bringing together psychiatric and psychoanalytic responses to mental illness
  • Includes dissertation for experience of research appropriate to the field
  • Can form part of a four-year continuous training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy


Curricular information is subject to change

Part Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. No

The course is of fundamental relevance for:

  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Doctors
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Therapists
  • Counsellors
  • Nurses

The programme has from its inception offered places to a range of individuals from other professional backgrounds, ranging from the arts and academia, through to teaching, business and the law.

The requirement for all applicants is evidence of a commitment to the applicant’s own psychoanalysis. This is best provided by already having started one’s psychoanalysis.

The course has produced hundreds of  graduates, the majority of whom continue to work in their primary professions using psychoanalytic principles to inform that work.

Many graduates have set up their own private practice, while remaining in personal therapy and supervision. Some become psychoanalysts who remain in personal analysis and additionally make a scholarly contribution to teaching, training and research.

This part-time two-year programme provides professional clinical training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy founded on a student’s engagement in their own psychoanalysis. It launches the student in beginning to practise psychoanalytically under supervision.

The programme’s module content develops understanding of the principles underlying the clinical practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, a discipline launched by the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud. The programme content is strongly informed by the work of French Psychoanalyst and Psychiatrist, Jacques Lacan (1901 – 1981), whose seminars and writings elaborated Freud’s work.

Psychoanalysis is a practice founded on attending to unconscious mental life. It takes seriously Sigmund Freud’s proposal to us that “the most complicated achievements of thought are possible without the assistance of consciousness.” From these processes erupt not only our mental pathologies and psychological symptoms but also the joke that surprises into spontaneous laughter – that is, a mental product that has real physiological effects. These sophisticated, unconscious processes of the mind represent the concerns and wishes each of us carry when faced with the task of human existence. Psychoanalysis is a treatment for debilitating perplexity experienced by some in their relation to the world. Students engage with the question of what it is to practice psychoanalytically – requiring a clinical position that listens differently to other mental health practices. It can very productively contribute alongside other practices such as psychiatry and psychology to our society’s response to mental disorder and illness.

Psychoanalysis contributes importantly to our understanding of contemporary cultural concerns such as our presuppositions and prejudices concerning the normal and the pathological, deviancy and violence. Many of its concepts inform diverse fields of academic and artistic enquiry and endeavour including law and criminology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, literature, the visual arts and their critique.

The MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Studies develops in a student a foundational understanding of psychoanalysis, a practice centred on the existence of unconscious mental processes as discovered by Sigmund Freud. The two-year programme is aimed at students from diverse educational and professional backgrounds who wish to achieve a Masters qualification in the clinical practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy.  Central to programme is the student’s experience of their own psychoanalysis, experience of supervised clinical practice in clinical and social care settings, theoretical scholarship and research and participation in psychiatric case conferences. Through the programme with their study of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic practice and  experience of psychoanalysis, students achieve a strong foundation in the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and an extensive understanding of the discourse of mental health, mental disorders and the current dominant treatment strategies.  Students learn about the work of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan and how their work is of crucial relevance to the response to psychopathology. The components of the programme provide students with a framework for the development of clinical technique and competencies to engage with the complexities and challenges of working with unconscious processes of mind in health, social care and private practice settings.


Assessment strategies include group based presentation exercises, academic writing, weekly case conference report writing and a series of reports from clinical supervisors. Through these methods the clinical competencies and academic learning components of the programme are rigorously assessed. 


The programme is taught in The School of Psychotherapy, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, which has over thirty year’s experience teaching in the psychoanalytic field. This programme is informed by developments towards the Statutory Recognition of the title psychotherapist in Ireland. It can contribute to fulfilling requirements for application to psychoanalytic professional bodies within the Psychoanalytic Section of the ICP such as APPI and IFPP. These professianl bodeies require a minimum four year period of training. Therfore the Msc on its own will not fulfil this requitrement. For the four year option see the Professional Masters in Psychoanalytic psychothwerapy X993.


Psychoanalytic practice has substantial recognition as providing an essential perspective and a crucial, effective form of clinical intervention in psychological work in Ireland and internationally.

View All Modules Here

This part-time two-year programme provides professional clinical training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy founded on a student’s engagement in their own psychoanalysis. It launches the student in beginning to practise psychoanalytically under supervision.

The programme’s module content develops understanding of the principles underlying the clinical practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, a discipline launched by the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud. The programme content is strongly informed by the work of French Psychoanalyst and Psychiatrist, Jacques Lacan (1901 – 1981), whose seminars and writings elaborated Freud’s work.

Psychoanalysis is a practice founded on attending to unconscious mental life. It takes seriously Sigmund Freud’s proposal to us that “the most complicated achievements of thought are possible without the assistance of consciousness.” From these processes erupt not only our mental pathologies and psychological symptoms but also the joke that surprises into spontaneous laughter – that is, a mental product that has real physiological effects. These sophisticated, unconscious processes of the mind represent the concerns and wishes each of us carry when faced with the task of human existence. Psychoanalysis is a treatment for debilitating perplexity experienced by some in their relation to the world. Students engage with the question of what it is to practice psychoanalytically – requiring a clinical position that listens differently to other mental health practices. It can very productively contribute alongside other practices such as psychiatry and psychology to our society’s response to mental disorder and illness.

Psychoanalysis contributes importantly to our understanding of contemporary cultural concerns such as our presuppositions and prejudices concerning the normal and the pathological, deviancy and violence. Many of its concepts inform diverse fields of academic and artistic enquiry and endeavour including law and criminology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, literature, the visual arts and their critique.


  • The course is delivered in 13 modules:
  • Eight of these – four modules in Year One and 4 in Year Two - provide five credits each
  • Of the remaining five modules, four are specifically related to clinical training and assessment and run continuously throughout the two years. These are Supervision of Clinical Practice and Clinical Diagnostics and Research, each contributing 7.5 credits yearly. The final module is by dissertation and contributes 20 credits.
  • Attendance must be 80% or higher throughout the course
  • Assessment is by continuous assessment for the taught modules and a mark for the thesis
  • Total credits awarded: 90 ECTS


MSc Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Studies (X990) Part Time
EU          fee per year - € 7700
nonEU    fee per year - € 13500

***Fees are subject to change

The MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Studies is a two-year programme that can contribute to the education and training of psychoanalytic psychotherapists. On its own it will not fulfil requirements to apply for membership to psychotherapy professional bodies within the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP) . The ICP professional bodies all require a minimum four-year period of training in a specific modality. These include the Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland ( and the Irish Forum for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy ( With this in mind, a new four year part-time programme was developed, X993 Professional Masters in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

For informal enquiries on the MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Studies and on the four-year Professional Masters in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, contact Dr. Gráinne Donohue

  • International applicants should contact the academic programme director for a full list of entry requirements.

  • A list of FAQs for international applicants is available here. 

The following entry routes are available:

MSc Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Studies PT (X990)
2 Years
Part Time

* Courses will remain open until such time as all places have been filled, therefore early application is advised