ME Biomedical Engineering

Graduate Taught (level 9 nfq, credits 120)

There are currently 250 medical technology companies in Ireland, exporting €12.6 billion worth of product annually and employing 38,000 people – the highest number of people working in the industry in any country in Europe, per head of population. Biomedical Engineering involves the application of engineering principles to healthcare and medicine. It is an interdisciplinary field, requiring knowledge of both living systems and engineering.  When studying on this programme, you will work with staff and researchers at UCD who have extensive experience in ground-breaking biomedical engineering research. You will also develop a knowledge of how the medical device industry is regulated and how new products are introduced to the market, drawing from experience within UCD which includes pioneering companies.

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Curricular information is subject to change

Full Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. Yes

  • The programme is delivered by engineers and clinicians with international reputations in the field and who have all made a significant contribution to the development of their fields. 
  • There is an emphasis on independent learning and research, with the opportunity to complete a work placement in the medical technologies industry, with a clinical group  or with a research laboratory in UCD or abroad.
  • As part of the ME students will study Biomedical Engineering subjects such as Rehabilitation Engineering, Neural Engineering, Biomechanics, Cell and Tissue Engineering and Medical Device Design. They will also have the opportunity to choose from a range of modules in physiology and anatomy alongside advanced engineering topics including Advanced Signal Processing and Dynamics.
  • The year starts with a two-week, intensive, course in Basic Medical Sciences delivered by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

The UCD M.E. Biomedical Engineering degree prepares students to become leaders in applying advanced engineering skills to solve problems related to human health. This interdisciplinary programme employs the principles of mechanical and electronic engineering to understand human performance, analyse physiological systems and design innovative medical devices and technologies. Students learn through a combination of lectures, laboratories, group discussion and research and applied clinical projects, delivered by internationally recognised faculty with active research programmes in Biomedical Engineering. Students complete a professional work-placement in either the medical technologies and devices industry, in a clinical environment or with a research group in the first year of the programme, followed by a major Biomedical Engineering research project in the final year. Assessment is carried out through a mix of examination, continuous assessment of laboratory and project work, student presentations and the final year research project.

  • Ability to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in multidisciplinary settings, together with the capacity to undertake lifelong learning
  • Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the clinical and engineering communities and with society at large
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the mathematics, sciences, engineering sciences and technologies underpinning Biomedical Engineering
  • Design and conduct experiments and to apply a range of standard and specialised research (or equivalent) tools and techniques of enquiry
  • Identify, formulate, analyse and solve complex engineering problems, specifically problems related to physiological and medical/healthcare systems
  • Perform detailed design of a novel system, component or process using analysis and interpretation of relevant data, including data from living systems
  • Understanding the need for high ethical standards in the practice of Biomedical Engineering, including the responsibilities of the engineering profession towards people

The Irish Medtech Sector is robust and career opportunities upon graduation from this programme are exemplary. Exports of medical devices and diagnostics products now represent 8% of Ireland’s total merchandise exports and growth prospects for the industry globally remain good. Many of the world’s top medical technology companies have invested significantly in Ireland and a number of exciting, research-based, indigenous companies are emerging and competing internationally.

The Irish Government has identified the medical technology sector as one of the key drivers of industrial growth for the future and provides a wide range of supports to encourage and foster this growth. The medical technology industry in Ireland is changing from being predominantly manufacturing to being more complex and driven by R&D. Prospective employers include Abbott, Bio-Medical Research (BMR), Boston Scientific, De Puy, ResMed, Shimmer and Stryker.

View All Modules Here

This section links to general module information, for a more detailed description including module selection rules click here.

ME Biomedical Engineering (T160) Full Time
EU          Year 1 - € 9300
nonEU    Year 1 - € 29100
EU          Year 2 - € 8830 aa
nonEU    Year 2 - € 27720 aa

aaSecond Year Fee applies to Students in 2nd Year in 2024 and who were a 1st Year Student on the programme in 2023/24
***Fees are subject to change

Please note that UCD offers a number of graduate scholarships for full-time, self-funding international students, holding an offer of a place on a UCD graduate degree programme. For further information please see

The Professional Work Experience (PWE) module is incorporated into the two-year Masters of Engineering Programme and is designed to integrate a student’s academic and career interests with practical work experience for a 6-8 month period. 

The module provides students with the perfect opportunity to gain increased experience and understanding of their chosen field, assess where their strengths and weaknesses lie and maximise their knowledge of the available career possibilities. The practical skills acquired during this placement will give graduates a competitive advantage when applying for positions upon graduation.

This ME programme is professionally accredited by Engineers Ireland and recognised by the Washington Accord for Chartered Engineer status.

  • An honours undergraduate degree (NFQ level 8) with a minimum upper second class honours  or international equivalence in a Mechanical, Electronic, Electrical, Mechatronic, Bioengineering or Biomedical Engineering programme is required.
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must also demonstrate English language proficiency of IELTS 6.5 (no band less than 6.0 in each element), or equivalent.
  • These are the minimum entry requirements – additional criteria may be requested for some programmes 

Graduate Profile - Dhanashree Gokhale, Health Products Regulatory Authority

"After completing my BE in electronic engineering, I was keen to pursue a master’s degree in biomedical engineering. I chose UCD due to the quality of research done in this field and the structure of the ME Biomedical engineering programme. While allowing students to pick from a wide range of subjects from the schools of engineering, science and medicine the course also focuses on improving professional skills with the inclusion of the work experience internship, which was truly beneficial. UCD’s emphasis on research plays a key role in ensuring that students are exposed to a high standard of learning and have experienced staff to guide them throughout the course and with options thereafter. Since completing my course, I have been working with the Health Products Regulatory Authority of Ireland as a scientific officer in the medical devices department. While the coursework at UCD including the projects undertaken as part of the ME programme contribute towards my role as a scientific officer, the network of UCD alumni and staff continue to provide support and guidance wherever and whenever needed."

Modules are taught by faculty engaged in cutting edge research, working with national and international networks of industrial and clinical collaborators. Students have the opportunity to work with research teams and collaborators, with access to all lab facilities across UCD School of Electrical, Electronic & Communications Engineering, UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocessing Engineering and the UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science.

The following entry routes are available:

ME Biomedical Engineering FT (T160)
2 Years
Full Time

* Courses will remain open until such time as all places have been filled, therefore early application is advised