Mathematics, Computer Science and Education (MMS9)

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Students’ performance will be reviewed at the end of the academic year. Students who fail 50% or more of their registered modules, and who fail to progress to the next stage of their programme, will be identified under the UCD Continuation – Academic progress policy. Students’ performance will continue to be reviewed in subsequent trimesters and students will be invited to meetings with the College of Science office for support and guidance.

Where the rate of progression and performance over two academic years is deemed unacceptable, a case will be submitted to the Governing Board for review. A recommendation for discontinuation may be the outcome of this review.

As Stages 3 and 4 have the most dynamic components of the programme, and the material studied previously may no longer be relevant, a student who has been away from the programme for a significant period should be required to register again to Stage 3. The upper limit for completion of Stages 3 and 4 should be six years if they choose to do 120 credits with 20 in each year.
Stage 3

Students take 10 core modules. Students must take COMP20280 in Stage 3 if not taken in Stage 2. Students must take PSY10050 and MST30070 in Stage 3 or Stage 4. Students must take 40 ECTS at Level 3. Students may wish to choose their remaining credits from the option modules listed.

Stage 4

Students take 6 core modules amount to 40 ECTS credits. Students must take PSY10050 if not taken in Stage 3. Students take option modules to complete the credits required for Stage 4.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
MATH10350 Calculus in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Autumn 5
SCI10010 Principles of Scientific Enquiry Autumn 5
ACM10060 Applications of Differential Equations Spring 5
COMP10020 Introduction to Programming II Spring 5
MATH10340 Linear Algebra in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Spring 5
MATH10410 Mathematics & Science Education & Communication Spring 5
STAT10060 Statistical Modelling Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
Stage 1 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
Students wishing to take Mathematics, Computer Science and Education in Stage 2 should take MATH10320 and MATH10040 in Stage 1 or Stage 2.
MATH10040 Numbers & Functions Autumn 5
MATH10320 Mathematical Analysis Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
Students wishing to take Mathematics, Computer Science and Education in Stage 2 should take MATH10320 and MATH10040 in Stage 1 or Stage 2.
Stage 1 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education B)MIN0OF:
Students who did not achieve or H5 or better in Leaving Certificate Computer Science, or equivalent, must take COMP10290 in Stage 1. Students who achieved H5 in Leaving Certificate Computer Science, or equivalent, may still take COMP10290 prior to taking COMP10020 in the Spring Trimester.
COMP10290 Computation for Scientists Autumn 5
Stage 1 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education B)MIN0OF:
Students who did not achieve or H5 or better in Leaving Certificate Computer Science, or equivalent, must take COMP10290 in Stage 1. Students who achieved H5 in Leaving Certificate Computer Science, or equivalent, may still take COMP10290 prior to taking COMP10020 in the Spring Trimester.
Stage 1 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education C)MIN0OF:
Students must have a minimum of 55 credits in Science Programme modules. Students may select 60 credits from Science programme modules or they can choose 55 credits and one 5-credit elective for Spring. Careful selection of modules can increase the number of subject areas available to a student in Stage 2. Students are strongly advised to take COMP10040 in Stage 1.
BIOL00010 Fundamentals of Biology Autumn 5
BIOL10130 Biology in Action Autumn 5
BIOL10140 Life on Earth Autumn 5
CHEM00010 Introductory Chemistry Autumn 5
CHEM10040 The Molecular World Autumn 5
CHEM20100 Basis of Inorganic Chemistry Autumn 5
COMP10010 Introduction to Programming I Autumn 5
COMP10040 Introduction to Computer Architecture Autumn 5
PHIL10160 Critical Thinking Autumn 5
PHYC10050 Astronomy & Space Science Autumn 5
PHYC10070 Foundations of Physics Autumn 5
PHYC10210 Quanta, Particles & Relativity Autumn 5
PHYC10250 Thermal Physics and Materials Autumn 5
GEOL10050 Earth and Humanity Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
GEOL10060 Introduction to Earth Sciences Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
STAT10050 Practical Statistics Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ACM10090 Climate Change:Causes & Consequences Spring 5
BIOL10110 Cell Biology & Genetics Spring 5
BMOL10030 Biomedical Sciences: Understanding Human Disease. Spring 5
CHEM10050 Basis of Organic and Biological Chemistry Spring 5
CHEM20140 Introductory Transition Metal Chemistry Spring 5
COMP10060 Computer Science for Engineers I Spring 5
GEOL10070 Understanding Earth Systems Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education C)MIN0OF:
Students must have a minimum of 55 credits in Science Programme modules. Students may select 60 credits from Science programme modules or they can choose 55 credits and one 5-credit elective for Spring. Careful selection of modules can increase the number of subject areas available to a student in Stage 2. Students are strongly advised to take COMP10040 in Stage 1.
Stage 2 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
ACM20030 Computational Science Autumn 5
COMP20350 Object-Oriented Programming Autumn 5
EDUC20030 Key Ideas in Education Autumn 5
MATH20060 Calculus of Several Variables Autumn 5
MATH20300 Linear Algebra 2 for the Mathematical Sciences Autumn 5
STAT20110 Introduction to Probability Autumn 5
ACM20150 Vector Integral & Differential Calculus Spring 5
COMP10050 Software Engineering Project 1 Spring 5
MATH20310 Groups, Rings and Fields Spring 5
Stage 2 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
Stage 2 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
If not previously taken in Stage 1, students enrolled to Stage 2 Mathematics, Computer Science and Education must take MATH10320 and MATH10040 in Stage 2.
MATH10040 Numbers & Functions Autumn 5
MATH10320 Mathematical Analysis Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
If not previously taken in Stage 1, students enrolled to Stage 2 Mathematics, Computer Science and Education must take MATH10320 and MATH10040 in Stage 2.
Stage 2 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education C)MIN0OF:
EDUC20020 is recommended to students in Stage 2 and can be taken in lieu of an elective module. Students who wish to keep a Mathematics pathway open in Stage 2 should take STAT20100 in Stage 2.
EDUC20020 Science and Maths Pedagogy Spring 5
STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education C)MIN0OF:
EDUC20020 is recommended to students in Stage 2 and can be taken in lieu of an elective module. Students who wish to keep a Mathematics pathway open in Stage 2 should take STAT20100 in Stage 2.
Stage 3 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
COMP20350 Object-Oriented Programming Autumn 5
COMP30010 Foundations of Computing Autumn 5
COMP30040 Networks and Internet Systems Autumn 5
MATH30340 Peer-Assisted Tutoring Autumn 5
COMP20050 Software Engineering Project 2 Spring 5
COMP20180 Intro to Operating Systems Spring 5
COMP20290 Algorithms Spring 5
EDUC30050 Schools and Society Spring 5
MATH30390 Mathematics Pedagogy & Curriculum in Placement Spring 5
MST30030 Financial Mathematics Spring 5
Stage 3 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
Stage 3 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
If not taken in Stage 2, students must take COMP20280 in Stage 3.
COMP20280 Data Structures Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
If not taken in Stage 2, students must take COMP20280 in Stage 3.
Stage 3 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education B)MIN0OF:
Students must take PSY10050 and MST30070 in either Stage 3 or Stage 4
PSY10050 Introduction to Psychology Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MST30070 Differential Geometry Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education B)MIN0OF:
Students must take PSY10050 and MST30070 in either Stage 3 or Stage 4
Stage 3 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education C)MIN0OF:
Students can choose option modules from the list below in lieu of elective modules (10 credits). Students who did not take COMP10290 or COMP10040 in Stage 1 should take at least one COMP module from the options listed in either Stage 3 or Stage 4. Preferred modules to choose include COMP10040, COMP20070, COMP30030 or COMP30760.
ACM30190 Dynamical Systems Autumn 5
COMP10040 Introduction to Computer Architecture Autumn 5
COMP20070 Databases and Information Systems I Autumn 5
COMP30030 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Autumn 5
COMP30760 Data Science in Python - DS Autumn 5
COMP30950 Multi-paradigm Programming Autumn 5
MATH20150 Graphs and Networks Autumn 5
MATH30030 Advanced Linear Algebra Autumn 5
MATH30090 Metric Spaces Autumn 5
MATH30360 Measure Theory and Integration Autumn 5
MST30010 Group Theory and Applications Autumn 5
MST30020 History of Mathematics Autumn 5
PHIL10040 Introduction to Ethics Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ACM30090 Mathematical Biology Spring 5
BSEN10010 Biosystems Engineering Design Challenge Spring 5
COMP20200 UNIX Programming Spring 5
COMP30540 Game Development Spring 5
MATH30120 Topology Spring 5
MATH30250 Cryptography: Theory & Practice Spring 5
STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education C)MIN0OF:
Students can choose option modules from the list below in lieu of elective modules (10 credits). Students who did not take COMP10290 or COMP10040 in Stage 1 should take at least one COMP module from the options listed in either Stage 3 or Stage 4. Preferred modules to choose include COMP10040, COMP20070, COMP30030 or COMP30760.
Stage 4 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
EDUC42180 Professional Placement & Portfolio 1 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr) 20
EDUC43980 Computer Science Methods 1A Autumn 2.5
MATH40810 Mathematics Pedagogy for Classroom Practice Autumn 5
EDUC42840 Maths Pedagogy in Placement Spring 5
EDUC43990 Computer Science Methods 1B Spring 2.5
MST30070 Differential Geometry Spring 5
Stage 4 Core Modules Mathematics, Computer Science and Education
Stage 4 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
If not taken in Stage 3, students must take PSY10050 in Stage 4.
PSY10050 Introduction to Psychology Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
Stage 4 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education A)MIN0OF:
If not taken in Stage 3, students must take PSY10050 in Stage 4.
Stage 4 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education B)MIN3OF:
Students may take option modules from those listed below. Students who did not take COMP10290 or COMP10040 in Stage 1 and did not take an additional COMP option module in Stage 3 should take at least one COMP module listed. Preferred modules to choose include COMP10040, COMP20070, COMP30030 or COMP30760. Students who take PSY20020 must have taken PSY10050 in Stage 3. Students who successfully complete an internship in the summer term betweeen Stage 3 and Stage 4 will be registered to SCI30080 Professional Placement module for Stage 4 credit.
ACM30190 Dynamical Systems Autumn 5
ACM40070 Math Fluid Dynamics II Autumn 5
COMP10040 Introduction to Computer Architecture Autumn 5
COMP20070 Databases and Information Systems I Autumn 5
COMP30030 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Autumn 5
COMP30760 Data Science in Python - DS Autumn 5
COMP30950 Multi-paradigm Programming Autumn 5
EDUC42120 Educating Ireland PME Autumn 5
EDUC42850 Teaching Science A Autumn 5
MATH20150 Graphs and Networks Autumn 5
MATH30030 Advanced Linear Algebra Autumn 5
MATH30090 Metric Spaces Autumn 5
MATH30360 Measure Theory and Integration Autumn 5
MST30010 Group Theory and Applications Autumn 5
MST30020 History of Mathematics Autumn 5
PSY20020 Child & Adolescent Development Autumn 5
SCI30080 Professional Placement-Science Autumn 5
PHIL10040 Introduction to Ethics Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ACM30090 Mathematical Biology Spring 5
ACM30210 Foundations of Quantum Theory Spring 5
BSEN10010 Biosystems Engineering Design Challenge Spring 5
COMP20180 Intro to Operating Systems Spring 5
COMP20200 UNIX Programming Spring 5
COMP20290 Algorithms Spring 5
COMP30540 Game Development Spring 5
EDUC42830 Philosophy of Education Spring 5
MATH30120 Topology Spring 5
MATH30250 Cryptography: Theory & Practice Spring 5
MATH30370 Markov Chains Spring 5
STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - Mathematics, Computer Science and Education B)MIN3OF:
Students may take option modules from those listed below. Students who did not take COMP10290 or COMP10040 in Stage 1 and did not take an additional COMP option module in Stage 3 should take at least one COMP module listed. Preferred modules to choose include COMP10040, COMP20070, COMP30030 or COMP30760. Students who take PSY20020 must have taken PSY10050 in Stage 3. Students who successfully complete an internship in the summer term betweeen Stage 3 and Stage 4 will be registered to SCI30080 Professional Placement module for Stage 4 credit.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHSCI001 Stage 4 - 70.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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