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Financial Mathematics (MMCA)

Undergraduate (Level 8 NFQ, Credits 240)
Academic Year 2024/2025
Internships Available
Study Abroad
4 Year(s)
Next Intake:
2024/2025 September
General Entry Requirements (A-Level)

BBB + D AS Level

General Entry Requirements (IB)


Subject Requirements (Mathematics)

GCSE A / A Level D

(or AS Level C)
IB SL 6 / HL 4

Subject Requirements (Laboratory Science)

GCSE A / A Level D

(or AS Level C)
IB SL 6 / HL 4

Country Specific Entry Requirements:
Visit the UCD Global Undergraduate Entry Requirements webpage.

Curricular information is subject to change.

If you have a strong interest in Mathematics, enjoy problem solving and are interested in how Mathematics is used in business and finance, Financial Mathematics will give you an understanding of the mathematical theories that underpin financial models, as well as computational expertise in the algorithms used to price financial products. One example of a financial model included in the course is the Black-Scholes option pricing model, dating from 1973, which is one of the earliest equations developed and used to price options. Implementations of financial models, including computer programming, form a key part of the course.

Information on all our courses including pathways, internships and careers information is available in the UCD Science Undergraduate Courses Entry 2024 Brochure (PDF).

About this Course

Financial Mathematics is one of the degree subjects available through the Mathematics stream in the common entry Science course. Students study similar modules for all degree subjects in the Mathematics stream in first year and will study modules for a minimum of two degree subjects in second year. At the end of second year, students choose their degree major. Assuming students meet all the academic requirements in first and second year, students are guaranteed a degree subject from the stream they are studying in second year. We do our best to ensure that students go on to study their top degree subject choice. As we offer plenty of degree subjects in each stream, students have a number of similar degree subjects to choose from as their degree major. For more information on choosing a degree major at the end of Second Year, visit the Mathematics stream page.

This is a sample set of modules that a Financial Mathematics student could study each year in UCD.

First Year
Scientific Enquiry • Introduction to Applied & Computational Mathematics • Calculus in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences • Applications of Differential Equations • Linear Algebra in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences • Statistical Modelling • Mathematical Analysis • Numbers & Functions • Mathematical Analysis • Microeconomics for Business • Optional Modules • Elective Module 

Second Year
Computational Science • Calculus of Several Variables • Linear Algebra in the Mathematical Sciences • Introduction to Probability • Foundations of Finance • Modern Regression Analysis • + modules for 1 other Science Subject • Elective Modules 

Third Year
Partial Differential Equations in Financial Maths • Corporate Financial Management • Fundamentals Actuarial Mathematics • Metric Spaces • Models - Stochastic Models • Advanced Computational Finance • Financial Maths Foundations • Option Modules • Elective modules 

Fourth Year
Measure Theory & Integration • Time Series Analysis • Monte Carlo Inference • Financial & Actuarial Maths • Advanced Risk Management • Probability Theory • Option modules 

Timetables & Assessment
Each student will have their own timetable based on their individual module selection. This is a full-time course and classes may include lectures, practicals and tutorials, depending on the subjects. Students will also be expected to study independently (autonomous student learning). Assessment varies with each module but may comprise continuous assessment of practicals, written exams and online learning activities.

Below is a list of all modules offered for this degree in the current academic year. Click on the module to discover what you will learn in the module, how you will learn and assessment feedback profile amongst other information.

Incoming Stage 1 undergraduates can usually select an Elective in the Spring Trimester. Most continuing undergraduate students can select up to two Elective modules (10 Credits) per stage. There is also the possibility to take up to 10 extra Elective credits.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 2 Core Modules
ACM20030 Computational Science Autumn


FIN20040 Foundations of Finance Autumn


MATH20060 Calculus of Several Variables Autumn


MATH20300 Linear Algebra 2 for the Mathematical Sciences Autumn


STAT20110 Introduction to Probability Autumn


ACM20150 Vector Integral & Differential Calculus Spring


STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring


Stage 2 Core Modules
Stage 2 Options
MATH10040 Numbers & Functions Autumn


STAT20230 Modern Regression Analysis Autumn


ECON10720 Microeconomics for Business Spring


MATH10320 Mathematical Analysis Spring


MATH20260 The Mathematics of Google Spring


MATH20270 Theory of Games Spring


Stage 2 Options
Stage 3 Core Modules
ACM30080 PDEs in Financial Maths Autumn


FIN30170 Corporate Financial Management Autumn


MATH20130 Fundamentals of Actuarial and Financial Mathematics I Autumn


MATH30090 Metric Spaces Autumn


STAT30090 Models - Stochastic Models Autumn


ACM30110 Advanced Computational Finance Spring


MATH20210 Fundamentals of Actuarial and Financial Mathematics II Spring


MATH30380 Financial Mathematics Foundations Spring


Stage 3 Core Modules
Stage 3 Options
ACM30130 Advanced Computational Science Autumn


ECON30150 International Money and Banking Autumn


STAT20230 Modern Regression Analysis Autumn


STAT40800 Data Prog with Python (online) Autumn


MATH20070 Optimization in Finance Spring


MATH30040 Complex Analysis Spring


MATH30370 Markov Chains Spring


STAT30270 Statistical Machine Learning Spring


Stage 3 Options
Stage 4 Core Modules
MATH30360 Measure Theory and Integration Autumn


STAT30010 Time Series Autumn


STAT40400 Monte Carlo Inference Autumn


STAT40920 Financial & Actuarial Maths I Autumn


FIN30270 Advanced Risk Management Spring


MATH40480 Probability Theory Spring


STAT40930 Financial & Actuarial Maths II Spring


Stage 4 Core Modules
Stage 4 Options
FIN30030 International Financial Management Autumn


SCI30080 Professional Placement-Science Autumn


STAT30080 Models - Survival Models Autumn


STAT30320 Investment and Trading Autumn


STAT40020 Actuarial Statistics I Autumn


MATH30120 Topology Spring


MATH30180 An Intro to Coding Theory Spring


STAT40070 Actuarial Statistics II Spring


STAT40150 Multivariate Analysis Spring


STAT40850 Bayesian Analysis (online) Spring


Students may apply to study abroad for a trimester in third year in partner institutions internationally.

Students have the opportunity to complete a Professional Placement module worth 5 credits. This module provides students with an opportunity to undertake a placement in industry (6-10 weeks) in the summer following Third Year.

Students in recent years have completed internships in Grant Thornton, Numerix-Fincad, AIB, Murex, Mazars, JP Morgan, IMC Trading and Citibank.

Placements are secured on a competitive basis and are subject to change each year.

More information about the internship module and application process.

Graduates with training in Financial Mathematics work in fields as diverse as quantitative positions in international financial companies, risk modelling in banking and insurance, computing in business, technology, research, and academia. Graduates can also pursue a range of MSc or PhD programmes such as the MSc in Actuarial Science, MSc in Financial Mathematics, MSc in Statistics or an MSc in Data Analytics.

The following advice is for Non-EU applicants. For Irish/EU/UK students, please apply via MyUCD.

The following entry route(s) are available:
Science: Mathematics (includes Applied/Financial/Statistics) Stream (MHS2)
Undergraduate Degree (Non EU)
Entry in Sep 2024
Full Time - Apply from Oct 2023 Apply

"When I came to the UCD Open Day and saw the beautiful science building and how friendly everyone was, my mind was made up right away. When I learned about Financial Mathematics, it sounded like the perfect way to continue to study mathematics while also combining it with my interest in financial markets. I was also lucky enough to get to go abroad for my third year to UC Berkeley in California, which was an amazing experience. Studying at a different institution gave me another perspective and I think it’s really helped me in my final year. I also completed an internship in the summer between third and fourth year at Credit Suisse and was able to earn credits as part of the professional placement module. After graduating, I went back to work at the same firm full time."

Joseph Mulligan, Graduate


Financial Mathematics (MMCA)

Undergraduate (Level 8 NFQ, Credits 240)