Geography (GGC1)

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Geography focuses on the analysis of the natural and manmade environments with particular reference to locations, distributions, spatial structures, processes and interrelations. It seeks to develop our sense of place and our appreciation of the web of interconnections that are the reality of the natural and social environments, past and present.

The programme in Geography introduces the main branches of human and physical geography, and applies this knowledge to selected regions (mainly Ireland, Europe, North America and the Tropical World) and to problem-solving situations. Teaching is by means of lectures, tutorials, practicals and field classes. You will undertake practical work to become familiar with cartographic, computing and other data handling techniques, and to develop a critical appreciation of geographic research problems and research presentations. You will also undertake a range of field work projects in the Dublin area, and have the opportunity of participating in occasional programmes held elsewhere in Ireland or abroad. Geography graduates make use of their knowledge and skills in a wide range of jobs including administration, computing, education, finance, information, management, marketing, planning, tourism and research in private, public and international aid organisations.

In order to progress to Stage 2, students must have passed two Level 1 Geography modules offered at Stage 1.

Stage 1

In order to progress to Stage 2, students must have passed core modules GEOG10140 and GEOG10080. Geography is only available with a limited number of subject combinations in Stage 2 and Stage 3. Please see for information on the combinations available if you plan to progress with Geography into Stage 2.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
GEOG10140 Mapping a Sustainable World Autumn 5
GEOG10080 Dynamic Earth Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Students may choose additional option modules from the list below. Modules offered in Spring may be chosen in place of electives.
GEOG10130 Geography Matters Autumn 5
GEOG10100 People, Places, Regions Spring 5
LSOC10010 Making the Irish Landscape Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Students may choose additional option modules from the list below. Modules offered in Spring may be chosen in place of electives.

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