Film Studies (FMD1)

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Film Studies introduces you to the most influential art form of the twenty first century incorporating artistic, cultural, economic and technological dimensions. It concentrates on developing a critical engagement with all aspects of the production and reception of films, and of an understanding of their role and contribution to world cultures. You will study both classic and contemporary cinema, read writers and commentators on film from a variety of backgrounds, and learn to think and write about film. Perspectives on Film I and II provide an overview of developments in the art, culture and technology of film. Numerous modes of cinematic expression are analysed, and students are introduced to the concepts and critical vocabulary of cinema.
Stage 1

Students may progress to Stage 2 having passed Intro to Film & Media (FS10010) and Intro to Film & Media Theory (FS10020).

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
FS10010 Introduction to Film and Media Autumn 5
FS10020 Introduction to Film and Media Theory Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Modules below may be taken as an additional option module as part of your programme. Students choose 5 credits of electives in Spring. However, Spring modules from the list below may be taken in lieu of your Spring elective.

It is recommended that you take 30 credits in the Autumn trimester and 30 credits in the Spring trimester.
FS10060 Cinema Creatives Autumn 5
FS10050 Media and Globalisation: Places, Cultures and Identities in a Connected World Spring 5
FS10070 Doing Film History Spring 5
GER10150 German History on Screen Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Modules below may be taken as an additional option module as part of your programme. Students choose 5 credits of electives in Spring. However, Spring modules from the list below may be taken in lieu of your Spring elective.

It is recommended that you take 30 credits in the Autumn trimester and 30 credits in the Spring trimester.

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