GradCert Environmental Sustainability

Graduate Taught (level 9 nfq, credits 30)

Dwindling natural resources and environmental quality issues are challenging businesses to work within a sustainability framework, while at the same time maximising employment provision and profitability. Consequently, there are a growing number of green technology and related enterprises that require a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Equally, those within the regulation or policy environment must have the knowledge base to address the complexities of the ‘sustainability’ challenge.

The Environmental Sustainability degree programme aims to develop your understanding of the environmental issues and sustainability goals facing society. We offer three degree options: MSc, Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate. You will be challenged to apply your scientific and technical knowledge to develop solutions to local and global problems and needs.

Download the UCD Science Graduate Taught Courses brochure (pdf)

  • Eight schools contribute to the course capturing the significant strengths of UCD Science and Engineering in renewable energy resources, sustainable energy systems, environmental engineering and resource management, water quality assessment, protection/management and conservation science.
  • The opportunity exists to harness these strengths within a negotiated and distance learning framework, offering you, the student, flexibility to gain a broad understanding of sustainability issues or to specialise more deeply in one of these particular fields of study.

Careers & Employability

Successful completion of this course will provide you with the professional competitive advantage to choose from careers in the application of green energy technology, environmental engineering, environmental monitoring and protection, resource and waste management, consultancy, research, heritage, conservation and education, either within regulatory bodies or in a wide range of industries, both multinational organisations and small- and medium-sized enterprises. The course also opens up opportunities to pursue further studies including up to PhD level.

Curricular information is subject to change

Full Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. No

Full Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. Yes

Part Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes
International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region. No

For both Full time and Part time options, as this is an online programme, we can enroll International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing outside of the EEA Region where they are residing in their home country.

The MSc, Graduate Diploma and Certificate will provide you with the theoretical background, practical training and ancillary workplace skills needed for a successful career in your chosen field. You will negotiate your learning needs with the assistance of our academic staff. Eight schools contribute to the course capturing the significant strengths of UCD Science and Engineering in renewable energy resources, sustainable energy systems, environmental engineering and resource management, water quality assessment, protection/management and conservation science. The opportunity exists to harness these strengths within a negotiated and distance learning framework, offering you, the student, flexibility to gain a broad understanding of sustainability issues or to specialise more deeply in one of these particular fields of study.

The course aims to develop your understanding of the environmental issues and sustainability goals facing society. You will be challenged to apply your scientific and technical knowledge to develop solutions to local and global problems and needs. Through discussion and research work you will learn to handle complex issues, analyse and interpret scientific data and information, use your judgment and ultimately communicate your findings and ideas. The course will develop your capacity for self-directed learning, within a supportive framework facilitated by online fora, discussion boards and virtual tutorial/classroom sessions.

This Environmental Sustainability Distance Learning is aimed at students who wish to build their knowledge and skills base to address the complexities of the ‘sustainability’ challenge across a broad spectrum of activities such as agriculture, industry, green technology, resource management, environmental regulation and policy. We value students who show a commitment and enthusiasm for environmental issues and an awareness of their responsibility as global citizens. This is a flexible, innovative, negotiated learning programme that takes on board the training needs of a broad spectrum of end-users by giving them the opportunity to select modules that best align with their training and employment needs, and career objectives. Delivered entirely online by staff of international renown, it provides for self-directed learning within a supportive framework facilitated by a variety of media, including lectures, virtual classroom seminars, virtual fieldtrips and laboratory sessions and discussion boards. A variety of assessment strategies are employed including classical written examinations, presentations, case studies, online discussion forums, wikis and journals, online examinations, group work and workshops.  The online Environmental Sustainability programme offers a number of qualification points which students may wish to advance to such as the Diploma in Environmental Sustainability (60 credits) and Masters in Environmental Sustainability (90 credits). These options allow students greater flexibility, enabling them to work towards qualification points which better suit their needs or lifestyle.

  • Apply the skills and knowledge acquired to promote critical evaluation and integration of practical environmental knowledge into every day work practices.
  • Communicate findings and ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Demonstrate an awareness and knowledge of the legislative and regulatory controls within their chosen study area
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical background within their study area
  • Locate, synthesise and critically review scientific information and data from a wide range of sources and construct and defend reasoned conclusions.

View All Modules Here

Lectures will be delivered through the UCD’s online environment using a variety of media, including for example virtual classroom seminars, discussion boards and podcasts. Formative assessments will be used to help you develop and critically assess your own understanding of the material presented. All modules will have a high continuous assessment component. For some modules you will be expected to attend for an end of semester written examination.

The modules and topics listed on this page are only a selection of the available modules and the full course catalogue can be obtained by contacting the Course Administrator at

GradCert Environmental Sustainability (F065) Full Time
EU/NONEU    fee per credit - € 77.4

GradCert Environmental Sustainability (F066) Part Time
EU/NONEU    fee per credit - € 77.4

GradCert Environmental Sustainability (F077) Full Time
EU/NONEU    fee per credit - € 77.4

GradCert Environmental Sustainability (F078) Part Time
EU/NONEU    fee per credit - € 77.4

***Fees are subject to change

Applicants must hold a minimum of a 2.2 honours level degree in a science, engineering or related discipline. Applicants with pass degrees and who also have substantial relevant work experience may also be considered. If English is not your native language, proof of your proficiency in English will be required, unless you have taken your primary degree through English, in an English speaking country. The minimum acceptable score on the TOEFL Internet Based Test is 100, on the IELTS system it is 6.5. The original certificate of completion of an English language test must be enclosed with the application. In all cases the test results must not be more than 2 years old.

Graduate Profile

Susan Vickers
I found the course refreshing in terms of content, delivery and the online virtual classroom discussions which allowed people on the course to communicate and share ideas. Working professionally full time, and with a young family, I found the online format superb as well as the flexibility that this allowed me.

The following entry routes are available:

GCert Environmental Sustainability (Negotiated Learning) FT (F065)
2 Years
Full Time
GCert Environmental Sustainability (Negotiated Learning) PT (F066)
4 Years
Part Time