English (ENC1)

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The Stage 1 programme in English introduces you to the study of the subject at university level, and provides core skills and knowledge to prepare you for a life of appreciating the power and beauty of the written word. It encourages students to see English as a global medium of creative endeavour and cultural exchange, and to understand the value of literature as a means of expression, representation and persuasion. Stage 1 English modules include Reading World Literature, Contemporary Irish Writing, Literature and Crisis, and Literary Genre. The main aim of the Stage 1 English modules is to enhance students’ understanding of the relationship between various aspects of literature as a creative medium, and the role and value of literature in the world. Modules are taught through lectures and tutorials, and students benefit from working in small groups which focus on developing skills in research, interpretation, contextualisation, and presentation. You will be encouraged to develop the breadth and depth of your reading interests, to make connections between texts and contexts, and to articulate your thought processes and interpretations in essays, presentations, and other forms of expression. In order to progress to Stage 2, students must have passed the two core English modules offered at Stage 1, ENG10230 Reading World Literature and ENG10220 Literature and Crisis.
Stage 1

In order to progress to Stage 2, students must have successfully completed the two core English modules offered at Stage 1.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
ENG10230 Reading World Literature Autumn 5
ENG10220 Literature and Crisis Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Modules below may be taken as an additional option module as part of your programme. Students choose 5 credits of electives in Spring. However, Spring modules from the list below may be taken in lieu of your Spring elective.

It is recommended that you take 30 credits in the Autumn trimester and 30 credits in the Spring trimester.
ENG10130 Contemporary Irish Writing Autumn 5
ENG10030 Literary Genre: the Art of Criticism and the Craft of Writing Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Modules below may be taken as an additional option module as part of your programme. Students choose 5 credits of electives in Spring. However, Spring modules from the list below may be taken in lieu of your Spring elective.

It is recommended that you take 30 credits in the Autumn trimester and 30 credits in the Spring trimester.

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