Economics (ECS5)

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Stage 3

Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 50 credits overall from the options lists below. You must select a minimum of 40 credits from the level 3 options list. The remaining 10 credits can be level 2 or level 3 modules. If you are studying abroad (Erasmus/non EU exchange) and/or undertaking an internship, please see registration guidelines here.

Stage 4

Please ensure that you register to a minimum of 50 Economics credits overall for stage 4. Please pay particular attention to the instructions on each of the option lists for stage 4.

In order to complete your Undergraduate degree, you must earn at least 40 credits at level 3 or above. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet this requirement.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN0CR:
Students must take one of the following three modules during the course of their degree programme. If you have not yet taken one of the following modules, please ensure that you complete one in either Stage 3 or Stage 4.
MATH20330 Optimisation for Economics Autumn 5
MST20070 Multivariable Calculus with Applications Autumn 5
MST20050 Linear Algebra II Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN0CR:
Students must take one of the following three modules during the course of their degree programme. If you have not yet taken one of the following modules, please ensure that you complete one in either Stage 3 or Stage 4.
Stage 3 Options - B)MIN0CR:
Students may select a maximum of 10 credits of Level 2 modules from the option list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
ECON20060 Irish Economy: Policy Making in a Global Context Autumn 5
ECON20080 Economic Policy Analysis Autumn 5
ECON20190 Introduction to Financial Economics Autumn 5
DEV20130 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Spring 5
ECON20100 Game Theory Spring 5
ECON20120 The Economics of the European Union: Institutions, Policies and Crises Spring 5
ECON20130 Economic History: From the Middle Ages to the Second World War Spring 5
ECON20160 Economics of the Environment Spring 5
ECON20230 Economics, Organisation and Management Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - B)MIN0CR:
Students may select a maximum of 10 credits of Level 2 modules from the option list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN40CR:
You must select a minimum of 40 credits from the level 3 options list below. The remaining 10 credits can be either level 3 or level 2 modules. If you are studying abroad (Erasmus/non EU exchange) and/or undertaking an internship, please see registration guidelines here. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
ECON30100 The Economics of Health and Health Policy Autumn 5
ECON30150 International Money and Banking Autumn 5
ECON30180 Industrial Economics: Economics of Business Strategy Autumn 5
ECON30270 Behavioural Economics and Public Policy Autumn 5
ECON30290 Advanced Microeconomics Autumn 5
ECON30360 Labour Economics Autumn 5
ECON30400 Political Economy Autumn 5
ECON30410 Development Economics Autumn 5
ECON30520 R for Economists Autumn 5
ECON30540 Advd Econometrics: Time Series Autumn 5
ECON30570 Economic Growth Autumn 5
ECON30590 Economics of Gender Autumn 5
ECON30610 Economics of Natural Resources Autumn 5
ECON30630 Economics of Corporate Finance Autumn 5
FIN30200 Econometrics of Financial Markets Autumn 5
ECON30130 Econometrics: Applying Statistics to Economic Data Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ECON30120 Advanced Macroeconomics Spring 5
ECON30160 International Trade Economics Spring 5
ECON30170 Intermediate Financial Economics Spring 5
ECON30190 Public Economics: Government Spending, Taxation and Public Choice Spring 5
ECON30260 The Economics of the Transport Sector Spring 5
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring 5
ECON30530 Advanced Econometrics: Microeconometrics Spring 5
ECON30580 Economics of Betting Markets Spring 5
ECON30600 Economics of Climate Change Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN40CR:
You must select a minimum of 40 credits from the level 3 options list below. The remaining 10 credits can be either level 3 or level 2 modules. If you are studying abroad (Erasmus/non EU exchange) and/or undertaking an internship, please see registration guidelines here. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 4 Core Modules
ECON30620 Economics Research Project 2 Trimester duration (Aut-Spr) 20
Stage 4 Core Modules
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN0CR:
Please note that ALL THREE of the modules listed below must be taken during the course of your degree. Therefore, you must register to these modules if you did not take them in stage 3. If you have already taken these modules, please choose additional options from the second options list below to fulfill your programme stage requirements.
ECON30290 Advanced Microeconomics Autumn 5
ECON30130 Econometrics: Applying Statistics to Economic Data Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ECON30120 Advanced Macroeconomics Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN0CR:
Please note that ALL THREE of the modules listed below must be taken during the course of your degree. Therefore, you must register to these modules if you did not take them in stage 3. If you have already taken these modules, please choose additional options from the second options list below to fulfill your programme stage requirements.
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN0CR:
Students must take one of the following three modules during the course of their degree programme. If you have not yet taken one of the following modules, please ensure that you one in stage 4.
MATH20330 Optimisation for Economics Autumn 5
MST20070 Multivariable Calculus with Applications Autumn 5
MST20050 Linear Algebra II Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN0CR:
Students must take one of the following three modules during the course of their degree programme. If you have not yet taken one of the following modules, please ensure that you one in stage 4.
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN5CR:
Select a minimum of 5 credits from the following option modules. Additional options can be selected in place of an elective.
ECON30540 Advd Econometrics: Time Series Autumn 5
ECON30530 Advanced Econometrics: Microeconometrics Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN5CR:
Select a minimum of 5 credits from the following option modules. Additional options can be selected in place of an elective.
Stage 4 Options - D)MIN10CR:
Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
CHN30060 Chinese Economy Autumn 5
ECON30100 The Economics of Health and Health Policy Autumn 5
ECON30150 International Money and Banking Autumn 5
ECON30180 Industrial Economics: Economics of Business Strategy Autumn 5
ECON30270 Behavioural Economics and Public Policy Autumn 5
ECON30360 Labour Economics Autumn 5
ECON30400 Political Economy Autumn 5
ECON30410 Development Economics Autumn 5
ECON30520 R for Economists Autumn 5
ECON30570 Economic Growth Autumn 5
ECON30590 Economics of Gender Autumn 5
ECON30610 Economics of Natural Resources Autumn 5
ECON30630 Economics of Corporate Finance Autumn 5
FIN30200 Econometrics of Financial Markets Autumn 5
ECON30160 International Trade Economics Spring 5
ECON30170 Intermediate Financial Economics Spring 5
ECON30190 Public Economics: Government Spending, Taxation and Public Choice Spring 5
ECON30260 The Economics of the Transport Sector Spring 5
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring 5
ECON30580 Economics of Betting Markets Spring 5
ECON30600 Economics of Climate Change Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - D)MIN10CR:
Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHSOC010 Stage 4 - 50.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Stage 2 - 20.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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