DN530 BA Humanities Creative & Cultural Industries (CCS2)

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Building skills in teamwork, negotiation and collaboration, graduates emerge from this degree with an academic qualification, portfolio of project work and demonstrable management and production skills – highly desirable attributes for careers in the creative and cultural industries.

This course prepares students for postgraduate study in a wide diversity of fields, including media studies, ICT, business, cultural studies, cultural policy and arts management. It also deepens artform knowledge in visual culture, music, film, design and fashion.

Stage 1

In stage 1, you must register to 7 core modules and 4 option modules. You must also pick a spring elective module, or you may pick an extra option module from your programme instead. Students are advised to take two options in Autumn and two options in Spring.

Stage 2

In stage 2, you will take 6 core modules (30 credits) and commence your study of one specialisation. You will choose one specialisation from the following list:

- English & Creative Writing

- Media & Communications

- Irish & Folklore

- Visual Cultures

- Music History, Performance & Production

Module information and registration guidelines for each Specialisation are explained in more detail in a handout provided by the Programme Coordinator. Please email creativeindustries@ucd.ie for any queries.

Students can begin to accumulate the credits required in their chosen specialisation by taking 10 credits in your specialisation this year at stage 2, and then a further 10 credits of level 3 modules at stages 3 or 4.

You may also pick two elective modules (10 credits total), or you may pick an extra option module or modules from your programme instead.

Students are strongly advised to balance their workload across the autumn and spring trimesters i.e. 30 credits/6 modules in autumn and 30 credits/6 modules in Spring

Stage 3

Students who remain in UCD for both autumn and spring trimesters will make up their stage 3 credit requirement by choosing at least 50 credits from the option modules presented (10 credits remain for electives).

Any students on a one-trimester exchange or a trimester internship in stage 3 should choose 25 credits from the options below for one trimester (5 credits remain for electives).

Students can and should continue to accumulate the credits required in their chosen specialisation by taking at least 10 credits credits in that specialisation at stage 3 or 4. Module information and registration guidelines for each specialisation are explained in more detail in a handout provided by the Pathway Coordinator. Please email creativeindustries@ucd.ie for any queries.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
CCI10030 Meet the Makers Autumn 5
CCI10050 Introduction to Creative & Cultural Industries Autumn 5
IS10010 Introduction to Communication & Media Studies Autumn 5
MFD10010 Music, Film and Drama: Making, Doing, Interpreting Autumn 5
CCI10010 Cultural Policy in Context Spring 5
IS10040 Information, Society, and Culture Spring 5
MUS10120 Music, Culture and Society Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN4OF:
Choose a minimum of four option modules from this list in total: two in autumn and two in spring.
Note: Music performance modules are subject to application and audition.
AH10070 Dublin: Its Museums and Collections Autumn 5
AH10160 Art History in the Making Autumn 5
AH10260 An Introduction to European Art 1: Antiquity to High Renaissance Autumn 5
BMGT10160 Global Marketplace Autumn 5
CCI10040 Video Games: History, Technology, and Culture Autumn 5
DRAM10010 Theatre Context and Conventions Autumn 5
ENG10120 How to Read Poetry Autumn 5
ENG10130 Contemporary Irish Writing Autumn 5
ENG10230 Reading World Literature Autumn 5
FS10060 Cinema Creatives Autumn 5
IRFL10010 Introduction to Folklore Autumn 5
IRST10010 Introduction to Irish Studies Autumn 5
MUS10150 Writing about Music Autumn 5
MUS10210 Musicianship Autumn 5
MUS10230 Classical Music: The Farewell Tour Autumn 5
MUS20320 UCD Philharmonic Choir Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20510 UCD Choral Scholars Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20530 UCD Symphony Orchestra Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20590 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20670 UCD Composition Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20980 Irish Traditional Music Practices Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
ACC10060 Introduction to Accounting Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
BMGT10140 Business Plan Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ENG10020 Children's Literature Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ENG10180 Comics and Fantasy Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
IR10040 Teanga na Gaeilge I Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
IR10050 Irish for Beginners/Gaeilge do Thosaitheoirí Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
IR10210 Cultúr na hÓige Gaelaí Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS10220 Popular Music Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS10240 Music in Ireland Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
AH10150 The Modern World 1848-1914 Spring 5
AH10270 An Introduction to European Art 2: Late Renaissance to Romanticism Spring 5
BMGT10150 Project Management Spring 5
DRAM10030 Theatre Matters Spring 5
DRAM10080 Theatre & Activism Spring 5
ENG10030 Literary Genre: the Art of Criticism and the Craft of Writing Spring 5
ENG10220 Literature and Crisis Spring 5
GER10150 German History on Screen Spring 5
IR10090 Forbairt na Gaeilge Acadúla Spring 5
IRFL10040 Ethnography of the Everyday Spring 5
IRST10020 Introduction to Irish Cultural Studies Spring 5
MKT10720 Marketing: An Introduction Spring 5
MUS10190 Music Theory 1 Spring 5
MUS20330 UCD Philharmonic Choir Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20520 UCD Choral Scholars Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20540 UCD Symphony Orchestra Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20600 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20680 UCD Composition Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20990 Irish Traditional Music Practices Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
PORT10090 Film and Fiction (in the Portuguese-speaking world) Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN4OF:
Choose a minimum of four option modules from this list in total: two in autumn and two in spring.
Note: Music performance modules are subject to application and audition.
Stage 2 Core Modules
CCI20010 Introduction to Digital Media Autumn 5
CCI20020 Managing Culture 2 Autumn 5
IS20160 Theories of Media and Communication Autumn 5
IS20110 Social Media & Participation in an Online World Spring 5
LAW27300 Law and the Arts Spring 5
MFD20010 Producing Music, Film & Drama Spring 5
Stage 2 Core Modules
Stage 2 Options - A)MIN4OF:
Stage 2 CCI students must pick one Specialisation which will be taken over stage 2 and stage3 or 4.

Module information and registration guidelines for each Specialisation are explained in more detail in a handout provided by the Programme Coordinator. Please email creativeindustries@ucd.ie for any queries.

Pick at least four option modules from the following list. NOTE: you can begin to accumulate the credit requirements for your specialisation. Up to 10 credits from stage 2 options can count towards this.
AH20200 The Modern to the Contemporary Autumn 5
AH20220 History of Photography Autumn 5
AH20280 Queer Art Histories Autumn 5
AH20320 Age of Titian Autumn 5
BMGT20220 High-tech Entrepreneurship Autumn 5
ENG20450 Writing and Performance in the Age of Shakespeare: Renaissance Literature Autumn 5
ENG20490 Romanticism Autumn 5
ENG20780 Critical Theory Autumn 10
IR20060 Logainmneacha agus sloinnte Autumn 5
IR20180 Teanga na Gaeilge II A Autumn 5
IR20210 Litríocht na Gaeilge - 1650 Autumn 5
IR20220 Bláthú na Nuafhilíochta Autumn 5
IRFL20010 The Study of Folklore: Origins and Development Autumn 5
IRFL20030 The Narrative Art Autumn 5
IRST20010 Place, People & Identities Autumn 5
IS20010 Core Competencies for Digital Citizenship Autumn 5
MUS20080 Global Soundscapes Autumn 5
MUS20400 Early European Music Autumn 5
MUS20650 Music Theory 2 Autumn 5
MUS21000 Performing Process Autumn 5
BMGT20050 Business Across Borders Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
CRWT20010 Introduction to Creative Writing Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
MUS20880 Techniques of Songwriting Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
AH20230 European Architecture Spring 5
AH20250 Early Islamic Art and Architecture Spring 5
AH20300 Medieval Art and Architecture: characteristics and influences Spring 5
BMGT20100 Developing Future Leaders Spring 5
BMGT20140 Global Business Spring 5
BMGT20160 Business and Social Enterprise Spring 5
ENG20410 Reading Medieval Literature Spring 5
ENG20430 Modern American Literature Spring 5
ENG20440 Reading the story of Ireland: Irish Literature in English Spring 5
ENG20790 Global 19th C. Literature Spring 5
FS20140 Irish Cinema & TV Spring 5
IR20010 Teanga na Gaeilge II B (Irish language II B) Spring 5
IR20050 Iriseoireacht na Gaeilge (Journalism in Irish) Spring 5
IR20240 An Ghaeilge ar an Scáileán Spring 5
IR20310 Bunchlocha an Aistriúcháin Spring 5
IRFL20090 Folklife & Ethnology Spring 5
IRFL20100 Oral history and tradition Spring 5
IRST20060 Reading Irish Studies Spring 5
IS20030 Contextual Design Inquiry in Organisations Spring 5
IS20120 Computer-Mediated Communication Spring 5
IS20130 Social Studies of ICTs Spring 5
IS20170 Critical Data Studies Spring 5
MIS20060 Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Web3 Spring 5
MIS20090 Design Thinking Spring 5
MUS20030 Studies in Irish Music Spring 5
MUS20410 Music History Since 1750 Spring 5
MUS20640 Music Theory 3 Spring 5
MUS21010 Music Industries Spring 5
MUS21020 Film Music Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - A)MIN4OF:
Stage 2 CCI students must pick one Specialisation which will be taken over stage 2 and stage3 or 4.

Module information and registration guidelines for each Specialisation are explained in more detail in a handout provided by the Programme Coordinator. Please email creativeindustries@ucd.ie for any queries.

Pick at least four option modules from the following list. NOTE: you can begin to accumulate the credit requirements for your specialisation. Up to 10 credits from stage 2 options can count towards this.
Stage 2 Options - B)MIN0OF:
Students can choose one or two performance modules instead of choosing general elective modules if they wish. General electives can otherwise be chosen on the general electives tab. You do not have to choose any options from this list if that is your choice
Note: these modules will count towards the Music History, Performance & Production Specialsation.
MUS20320 UCD Philharmonic Choir Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20510 UCD Choral Scholars Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20530 UCD Symphony Orchestra Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20590 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20670 UCD Composition Ensemble Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20980 Irish Traditional Music Practices Autumn 2024-25 Autumn 5
MUS20330 UCD Philharmonic Choir Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20520 UCD Choral Scholars Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20540 UCD Symphony Orchestra Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20600 UCD Gamelan Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20680 UCD Composition Ensemble Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
MUS20990 Irish Traditional Music Practices Spring 2024-25 Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - B)MIN0OF:
Students can choose one or two performance modules instead of choosing general elective modules if they wish. General electives can otherwise be chosen on the general electives tab. You do not have to choose any options from this list if that is your choice
Note: these modules will count towards the Music History, Performance & Production Specialsation.
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose at least 50 credits from the options below and 10 credits of electives. Note: some modules are 10 credits and some modules are 5 credits. Students may continue to accumulate credit towards their specialisation at stage 3 or stage 4. Please refer to the programme guidelines provided by your Pathway Coordinator.

NOTE: Some modules are 10 credits and some are 5 credits. All students should make sure that they have registered for the correct number of credits.

Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 25 credits of options and 5 credits of electives. Half year students can also continue to choose modules to contribute to their specialisation.

Students may also choose further modules from the list below instead of elective credits.
AH30590 Woman & Modern Architecture Autumn 10
AH30630 Genre in the Age of Vermeer Autumn 10
BMGT30100 Leadership and Change Management Autumn 5
BMGT30330 Governing International Trade, Finance, Climate and the Internet Autumn 5
BMGT30430 Doing Business in the Global South Autumn 5
EDF30030 Exploring Creative Futures Autumn 5
ENG31950 Architecture and Narrative Autumn 10
ENG31980 Women and the Novel in Romantic-era Britain Autumn 10
ENG32000 Contemp. Irish Women's Poetry Autumn 10
ENG32030 Theatre of Martin McDonagh Autumn 10
ENG32050 Reading Joyce Autumn 10
ENG32380 Sexuality and the State in Irish Drama and Culture Autumn 10
ENG32510 Writing Dublin Autumn 5
ENG32520 Ugly Feelings Autumn 5
ENG32560 Writing Black: African American Literature and Racial Consciousness Autumn 10
ENG32580 Staging Conflict and Human Rights Autumn 10
ENG32670 Dark Romanticism Autumn 10
ENG32740 King Arthur: History & Romance Autumn 5
ENG32780 Presenting Tennessee Williams Autumn 10
IR30370 Gaeilge na hAlban Autumn 5
IR30400 Teanga na Gaeilge III A Autumn 5
IR30410 An Nuaphrós Autumn 5
IR30420 Litriocht na Gaeilge 1650-1845 Autumn 5
IR30460 Litríocht Uladh Autumn 5
IRFL30030 The Life Cycle Autumn 5
IRFL30090 Collectors of Song and Music Autumn 5
IRST30210 Irish Studies Research Skills Autumn 5
IS30460 Gender and diversity in the digital age Autumn 10
MKT30040 Consumer Psychology Autumn 5
MKT30170 Brand Management Autumn 5
MUS31170 African-American Religious Mus Autumn 10
MUS31460 New Ideas in Musicology Autumn 5
MUS31470 Techniques of Composition Autumn 10
MUS31480 Music and Western Empires Autumn 10
PORT30210 Migration and Displacement in Portuguese-language global cinema Autumn 5
BMGT30440 Cultural Intelligence in Management Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ENG31930 Irish Fiction After 2010 Autumn and Spring (separate) 10
ENG32690 Writing Habits Autumn and Spring (separate) 10
MUS31180 Issues in Music, Sound and the Moving Image Autumn and Spring (separate) 10
AH30540 Georgian Dublin Spring 5
AH30600 From Constantinople to Istanbul: Art, Faith, Politics Spring 10
AH30650 Art/Resistance/Activism Spring 10
BMGT30090 Entrepreneurship in Action Spring 5
BMGT30210 Service and Customer Experience Management Spring 5
BMGT30350 The Human Side of Innovation Spring 5
CCI30010 Labour and Film Spring 5
ENG31780 Contemporary European Crime Fiction Spring 5
ENG31990 Reading Gender and Sexuality Spring 10
ENG32020 Detecting Fictions: the Crime Novel in America, Britain and Ireland Spring 10
ENG32300 Making Shakespeare Spring 5
ENG32590 Memory and Testimony in Performance Spring 10
ENG32680 Global Renaissance Spring 10
HRM30060 An Introduction to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Spring 5
HRM30140 Climate Change & Business Sustainability Spring 5
IR30030 Teanga na Gaeilge III B (Irish language III B) Spring 5
IR30090 Teangeolaíocht na Gaeilge: anailís ar an teanga féin Spring 5
IR30100 Scéalta Rómánsacha 1300-1800 Spring 5
IR30220 Athbheochan na Gaeilge Spring 5
IRFL30020 Calendar Custom Spring 5
IRFL30100 Popular religion and belief Spring 5
IRST30140 The Forgotten Irish Spring 5
IS30370 Digital Media Ethics (formerly Information Ethics) Spring 5
IS30380 Digital Storytelling Spring 5
IS30470 Technology and Human Rights Spring 5
IS30500 Digital Media & Climate Crisis Spring 10
ITAL30330 Italian Cinema and Society Spring 5
MKT30090 Marketing Communications: Content and Campaigns in the Digital Age Spring 5
MUS31280 The Symphony in Europe Spring 10
MUS31330 Post-Truth, Politics & Music Spring 5
MUS31490 Music and Sexuality in Early European Musical Cultures Spring 10
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN0OF:
Students who remain in UCD for the full year in stage 3 should choose at least 50 credits from the options below and 10 credits of electives. Note: some modules are 10 credits and some modules are 5 credits. Students may continue to accumulate credit towards their specialisation at stage 3 or stage 4. Please refer to the programme guidelines provided by your Pathway Coordinator.

NOTE: Some modules are 10 credits and some are 5 credits. All students should make sure that they have registered for the correct number of credits.

Any students on a trimester exchange or internship in stage 3 should choose a minimum of 25 credits of options and 5 credits of electives. Half year students can also continue to choose modules to contribute to their specialisation.

Students may also choose further modules from the list below instead of elective credits.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHACS024 Stage 4 - 50.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Stage 2 - 20.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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