MSc Financial Data Science FT (B746)

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The MSc Financial Data Science programme is intended for students with an interest in the impact of technology on markets and the business environment, who wish to pursue a career in the finance or insurance sectors.  The programme aims to provide students with the skills, knowledge and background to begin a career in FinTech and Financial Data Science and progress quickly to leadership roles (Purpose).  The educational values of the programme are to provide students with the knowledge and skills to; appraise, evaluate and manage opportunities in the emerging FinTech landscape; employ software skills and leading-edge data science packages to inform key business decisions in finance and insurance, including investment decisions, risk management and lending decisions; develop a deep understanding of the Economic underpinnings of the finance and insurance sectors; appreciate the legal, regulatory, accounting and taxation aspects of finance and the impact of the FinTech and RegTech revolution on these areas; develop the cultural, negotiation and organisational expertise to operate in a truly global business; and communicate effectively with peers (Education and subject/discipline/professional values).  The learning environment combines theoretical knowledge with application to real world financial data sets.   In many cases, the theory in lectures will be further enhanced by small group tutorials.   Furthermore, industry leaders will contribute to the programme through guest lectures and invited seminars.  Internship and FinTech incubator options are further integrated into the programme (the nature of the learning environment for students).  The programme uses multiple teaching, learning and assessment approaches.  Assessment strategies include traditional exams, case study presentations and written reports.  Group projects and presentations are also a key feature of this programme (key approaches to teaching, learning and assessment).

1 - Articulate and explain current theory and practice underpinning the impact of technology on the finance and insurance sectors (FinTech and Financial Data Science).
2 - Analyse and model aspects of the FinTech sector by drawing on a variety of frameworks, concepts and tools.
3 - Critically assess the functional aspects of FinTech and Financial Data Science.
4 - Query, analyse and model using complex financial data sets to inform key business decisions.
5 - Quantitatively assess the results of applying data science and financial machine learning to complex data sets.
6 - Qualitatively assess the legal, economic and accounting frameworks underlying the FinTech and RegTech sectors.
7 - Synthesise and summarise data, information and results from data science models and professionally communicate outcomes of the analysis & their recommendations to key stakeholders.
8 - Select and use appropriate communication strategies (oral, written & visual) to effectively communicate to peers.
9 - Effectively engage and contribute in multicultural teams.
10 - Identify ways to add value in industry, drawing on the broad skills developed while undertaking the programme.
11 - Engage in continuous professional development and the enhancement of skills and competencies required for personal success in business today.
Stage 1

Students must complete 10 core modules (60 ECTS) in Autumn and Spring trimesters. In summer trimester students must complete Ethics in Financial Services (FIN41930, 7.5 ECTS) and choose one of three pathways:
1. Green Data Science (FIN41910) plus 2 x 7.5 ECTS option modules OR
2. Green Data Science (FIN41910) plus Summer Internship (FIN42060, 15 ECTS) OR
3. Undertake a FinTech Incubator Project (FIN42140, 25 ECTS). Places on summer modules will be made available for online registration in March.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
FIN41660 Financial Econometrics Autumn 5
FIN42020 Derivative Securities Autumn 5
FIN42030 Financial Analysis Autumn 5
FIN42040 Capital Markets & Instruments Autumn 5
FIN42050 Quant. Methods for Finance Autumn 5
FIN42330 Python for Fin. Data Science Autumn 5
FIN41360 Portfolio & Risk Mgt Spring 7.5
FIN42100 Machine Learning for Finance Spring 7.5
FIN42110 Data Science for Trading & Risk Management Spring 7.5
FIN42130 Banking& Finance inDigital Age Spring 7.5
FIN41910 Green Data Science Summer 7.5
FIN41930 Ethics in Financial Services Summer 7.5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Choose 2 x 7.5 ECTs options modules. If you would like to pursue Summer Internship (FIN42060) or FinTech Incubator Project (FIN42140), your Programme Manager will register you upon approval. Students will be able to register to Summer Trimester modules in March.
FIN40490 Advanced Treasury Management/Financial Engineering Summer 7.5
FIN41480 Mergers & Acquisitions Summer 7.5
FIN41950 Financial Technology Summer 7.5
FIN42060 Summer Internship Summer 15
FIN42140 FinTech Product Development Project Summer 25
FIN42210 Structured Finance Summer 7.5
FIN42340 Business Communications Summer 7.5
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Choose 2 x 7.5 ECTs options modules. If you would like to pursue Summer Internship (FIN42060) or FinTech Incubator Project (FIN42140), your Programme Manager will register you upon approval. Students will be able to register to Summer Trimester modules in March.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
MTBUS005 Stage 1 - 100.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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