Economics, Mathematics and Statistics (EMS1)

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If you are interested in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics, then this programme enables you to explore these areas in depth, while also emphasising how they complement each other. Economists employ mathematics to design theoretical models and use statistics to test these models and to explore the tremendous amount of data that is generated by the economy. In turn, the models and data that are part of the study of Economics provide an interesting source of applications for students that have learned mathematical and statistical skills.

Through your study, you will develop skills in data analysis, and be supported in the development of your analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as in the application of these skills to understanding real economic issues. The degree will provide a structured approach to developing skills of analysis, problem design and resolution using mathematics, economic theory, data analysis and statistical methods.

The skills and problem-solving abilities you acquire in this degree are highly prized in a range of professions. The degree prepares students for careers in finance, government, private consultancy firms, teaching and media,and for postgraduate studies that lead to careers in investment, academia, central banks and leadership roles in industry, public and voluntary sectors. 

1 - Approach problems in an analytical, precise and rigorous way
2 - Develop problem solving skills and a capacity to apply these skills in a variety of contexts
3 - Undertake data analysis using statistical and econometric approaches, and use econometric software
4 - Model real-world economic problems in a mathematical framework
5 - Use the power of modern technology to augment mathematical and statistical problem solving
6 - Have a broad awareness of related disciplines and fields of study and understand the impact of economic solutions in a societal and global context
7 - Work independently and as part of a team

The skills and problem-solving abilities you acquire in this degree are highly prized in a range of professions, both private and public sectors, including banking, finance, accounting, management consultancy, broadcasting, business, journalism, teaching and communications.

Many students pursue graduate study in Economics, Mathematics or Statistics, leading to Master’s and PhD degrees. Both the School of Economics and the School of Mathematics and Statistics offer Master’s programmes aimed at further developing analytical and professional skills. Postgraduate qualifications are necessary to work as a professional economist.

Stage 1

In order to study Mathematics,we strongly recommend that you have at least a Grade H3 in Leaving Certificate Mathematics, or equivalent.

Please note STAT10050 must be taken in the Autumn trimester.

Stage 3

The Teaching Council requires students considering teaching mathematics to complete the following modules during the course of their programme: MST30050, MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040. MST30050 is a core module for all students in stage 3. MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040 are available as options in both stage 3 and stage 4.

Stage 4

The Teaching Council requires students considering teaching mathematics to complete the following modules during the course of their programme: MST30050, MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040. MST30050 is a core module for all students in stage 3. MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040 are available as options in both stage 3 and stage 4.

Module ID Module Title Trimester Credits
Stage 1 Core Modules
COMP10010 Introduction to Programming I Autumn 5
ECON10770 Introduction to Economics Autumn 5
MST10010 Calculus I Autumn 5
MST10040 Combinatorics & Number Theory Autumn 5
STAT10050 Practical Statistics Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
ECON10010 Principles of Microeconomics Spring 5
ECON10020 Principles of Macroeconomics Spring 5
MST10020 Calculus II Spring 5
MST10030 Linear Algebra I Spring 5
STAT10060 Statistical Modelling Spring 5
Stage 1 Core Modules
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Select 1 module from the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
CSOC10010 Introduction to Computational Social Science Autumn 5
IS10050 Digital Judgement: Truth, Lies, & the Internet Autumn 5
SPOL10010 Social Policy Theories and Concepts I Autumn 5
SPOL10030 Understanding Social Problems and Policies Autumn 5
IS10040 Information, Society, and Culture Spring 5
IS10060 Digital Technology Spring 5
Stage 1 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Select 1 module from the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 2 Core Modules
ECON20010 Intermediate Microeconomics I Autumn 5
MST20010 Algebraic Structures Autumn 5
MST20070 Multivariable Calculus with Applications Autumn 5
STAT20110 Introduction to Probability Autumn 5
STAT20240 Predictive Analytics Autumn 5
ECON20020 Intermediate Macroeconomics Spring 5
MST20040 Analysis Spring 5
MST20050 Linear Algebra II Spring 5
STAT20100 Inferential Statistics Spring 5
STAT20180 Introduction to Bayesian Analysis Spring 5
Stage 2 Core Modules
Stage 2 Options - A)MIN1OF:
You must choose at least 1 option from the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
ECON20190 Introduction to Financial Economics Autumn 5
SPOL28150 Global Social Policy Autumn 5
DEV20130 Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Spring 5
ECON20120 The Economics of the European Union: Institutions, Policies and Crises Spring 5
ECON20130 Economic History: From the Middle Ages to the Second World War Spring 5
ECON20180 Intermediate Microeconomics II Spring 5
Stage 2 Options - A)MIN1OF:
You must choose at least 1 option from the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 3 Core Modules
MST30050 Complex Analysis Autumn 5
STAT30010 Time Series Autumn 5
ECON30130 Econometrics: Applying Statistics to Economic Data Autumn and Spring (separate) 5
Stage 3 Core Modules
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN2OF:
Autumn Options: Please select a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
ECON20190 Introduction to Financial Economics Autumn 5
ECON30100 The Economics of Health and Health Policy Autumn 5
ECON30150 International Money and Banking Autumn 5
ECON30180 Industrial Economics: Economics of Business Strategy Autumn 5
ECON30270 Behavioural Economics and Public Policy Autumn 5
ECON30360 Labour Economics Autumn 5
ECON30410 Development Economics Autumn 5
ECON30570 Economic Growth Autumn 5
ECON30610 Economics of Natural Resources Autumn 5
ECON30630 Economics of Corporate Finance Autumn 5
MATH20150 Graphs and Networks Autumn 5
MST30010 Group Theory and Applications Autumn 5
MST30020 History of Mathematics Autumn 5
STAT30080 Models - Survival Models Autumn 5
STAT30090 Models - Stochastic Models Autumn 5
STAT30340 Data Programming with R Autumn 5
STAT40800 Data Prog with Python (online) Autumn 5
STAT41020 Survey Sampling Autumn 5
Stage 3 Options - A)MIN2OF:
Autumn Options: Please select a minimum of 10 credits from the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 3 Options - B)MIN0OF:
Students who are not studying abroad (Erasmus/non-EU exchange) and/or undertaking an internship must select MST30090 from the list below. Students who are studying abroad (Erasmus/non-EU exchange) and/or undertaking an Internship MUST NOT CHOOSE MST30090, as this module does not fulfill requirements for compliance.
MST30090 Skills for Math Sciences Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - B)MIN0OF:
Students who are not studying abroad (Erasmus/non-EU exchange) and/or undertaking an internship must select MST30090 from the list below. Students who are studying abroad (Erasmus/non-EU exchange) and/or undertaking an Internship MUST NOT CHOOSE MST30090, as this module does not fulfill requirements for compliance.
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN4OF:
Please select a minimum of 25 credits from the options list above and the options list below. A minimum of 20 credits should be selected from the option list below. If you are not studying abroad and/or undertaking an internship, please ensure you select MST30090 (the options list above). If you are studying abroad (Erasmus/non-EU exchange) and/or undertaking an internship, please see registration guidelines here. Students considering teaching mathematics should take MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040 over the course of stage 3 and 4. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
ECON20100 Game Theory Spring 5
ECON30160 International Trade Economics Spring 5
ECON30170 Intermediate Financial Economics Spring 5
ECON30190 Public Economics: Government Spending, Taxation and Public Choice Spring 5
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring 5
ECON30580 Economics of Betting Markets Spring 5
ECON30600 Economics of Climate Change Spring 5
MATH20070 Optimization in Finance Spring 5
MATH20270 Theory of Games Spring 5
MATH30250 Cryptography: Theory & Practice Spring 5
MST30030 Financial Mathematics Spring 5
MST30040 Differential Equations Spring 5
MST30070 Differential Geometry Spring 5
STAT30270 Statistical Machine Learning Spring 5
STAT40150 Multivariate Analysis Spring 5
Stage 3 Options - C)MIN4OF:
Please select a minimum of 25 credits from the options list above and the options list below. A minimum of 20 credits should be selected from the option list below. If you are not studying abroad and/or undertaking an internship, please ensure you select MST30090 (the options list above). If you are studying abroad (Erasmus/non-EU exchange) and/or undertaking an internship, please see registration guidelines here. Students considering teaching mathematics should take MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040 over the course of stage 3 and 4. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 4 Core Modules
STAT30250 Advanced Predictive Analytics Spring 5
Stage 4 Core Modules
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Select a minimum of 5 credits from the options list below. Students considering teaching mathematics should take MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040 over the course of stage 3 and 4. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
MATH20150 Graphs and Networks Autumn 5
MATH40550 Applied Matrix Theory Autumn 5
MST30010 Group Theory and Applications Autumn 5
MST30020 History of Mathematics Autumn 5
MATH20070 Optimization in Finance Spring 5
MATH20270 Theory of Games Spring 5
MATH30250 Cryptography: Theory & Practice Spring 5
MST30040 Differential Equations Spring 5
MST30070 Differential Geometry Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - A)MIN1OF:
Select a minimum of 5 credits from the options list below. Students considering teaching mathematics should take MST30010, MST30070 and MST30040 over the course of stage 3 and 4. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN20CR:
Students must select 40 credits overall from the options in the options list above and the options list below. Students must take a minimum of 20 credits from the options list below, which must include either the Maths or the Stats research module, or both. The remaining 20 credits can be taken from either the options list above or the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
ECON30150 International Money and Banking Autumn 5
ECON30270 Behavioural Economics and Public Policy Autumn 5
ECON30290 Advanced Microeconomics Autumn 5
ECON30360 Labour Economics Autumn 5
ECON30410 Development Economics Autumn 5
ECON30570 Economic Growth Autumn 5
ECON30590 Economics of Gender Autumn 5
ECON30610 Economics of Natural Resources Autumn 5
ECON30120 Advanced Macroeconomics Spring 5
ECON30160 International Trade Economics Spring 5
ECON30190 Public Economics: Government Spending, Taxation and Public Choice Spring 5
ECON30580 Economics of Betting Markets Spring 5
ECON30600 Economics of Climate Change Spring 5
MST30080 Maths Research Spring 10
STAT30330 Statistics Research Spring 10
Stage 4 Options - B)MIN20CR:
Students must select 40 credits overall from the options in the options list above and the options list below. Students must take a minimum of 20 credits from the options list below, which must include either the Maths or the Stats research module, or both. The remaining 20 credits can be taken from either the options list above or the options list below. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students may select options from the list below to fulfill stage requirements. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
ECON30100 The Economics of Health and Health Policy Autumn 5
ECON30180 Industrial Economics: Economics of Business Strategy Autumn 5
ECON30400 Political Economy Autumn 5
ECON30540 Advd Econometrics: Time Series Autumn 5
ECON30630 Economics of Corporate Finance Autumn 5
STAT30080 Models - Survival Models Autumn 5
STAT30090 Models - Stochastic Models Autumn 5
STAT30340 Data Programming with R Autumn 5
STAT40020 Actuarial Statistics I Autumn 5
STAT40800 Data Prog with Python (online) Autumn 5
STAT41020 Survey Sampling Autumn 5
ECON30170 Intermediate Financial Economics Spring 5
ECON30260 The Economics of the Transport Sector Spring 5
ECON30500 Field Experiments Social Sci Spring 5
ECON30530 Advanced Econometrics: Microeconometrics Spring 5
STAT30270 Statistical Machine Learning Spring 5
STAT40070 Actuarial Statistics II Spring 5
STAT40150 Multivariate Analysis Spring 5
Stage 4 Options - C)MIN0OF:
Students may select options from the list below to fulfill stage requirements. Additional options can be selected in place of electives.
See the UCD Assessment website for further details

Module Weighting Info  
  Award GPA
Programme Module Weightings Rule Description Description >= <=
BHSOC010 Stage 4 - 50.00%
Stage 3 - 30.00%
Stage 2 - 20.00%
Standard Honours Award First Class Honours



Second Class Honours, Grade 1



Second Class Honours, Grade 2






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