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Diploma in Business Studies (DPBUS008)

Academic Year 2024/2025
UCD Level
UG Certificates & Diplomas
NFQ Level
Business Studies (DipBS)
Overall Credits for Programme
Credits per Stage
Stage 1
Core/Option: 60 Electives: 0
Programme Director

Curricular information is subject to change.

The DBS is a two-year part-time programme by distance learning. Upon completion of the DBS, students may enter directly into Stage 2 of the Bachelor of Business Studies by distance learning.

Every graduate should have/be able to:

Developed an appreciation and an understanding of each of the main business disciplines

Developed an understanding of the principles of management in an Irish and global context

Identified the main challenges and opportunities facing Irish and international businesses

Gained a range of interpersonal skills and will be in a position to use these skills in a work-setting, e.g. note-taking, report-writing, time management and research skills

DipBS BSSM Diploma in Business Studies PT (Overseas)

Degree GPA Calculation Stage Weightings Award Description GPA Band  
Final Stage Only S1 - 100.00%
Pass >=2 <=2.47
Merit >=2.48 <=3.67
Distinction >=3.68 <=4.2